My Interview With A Group Of Self-Proclaimed Christians
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My Interview With A Group Of Self-Proclaimed Christians

"When I really got saved, I practically lost every 'friend' I had. My family thought I was crazy, and no one from my old life really wanted anything to do with me."

My Interview With A Group Of Self-Proclaimed Christians

I was given the opportunity to interview a group of eight individuals, all whom I know for a fact (not assumption) have stated openly that they are Christians. The answers in this survey were given by participants of both male and female gender, varying in age. Each individual was given the same 5 questions to see how their answers compare and contrast. Some participants chose to remain anonymous while others agreed to identification by first name basis; However, their age, gender and how long they have been saved is disclosed. For article length, I will only be disclosing 4 or 5 different answers for each question.

Also, to limit intimidation, I assured all parties that no judgement from myself will be projected onto any individual based on their answers, as there is no "right and wrong" answer for this article. This is simply a survey to help others understand what these participants believe and what they have encountered as a Christian. My goal for this article is for it to be so thought-provoking for the reader, that it encourages them to research more for their own understanding.

"When I really got saved, I practically lost every 'friend' I had. My family thought I was crazy, and no one from my old life really wanted anything to do with me." -Anonymous Female, Age 20, Saved for 1 Year.

"I have been persecuted for my belief in Christ through judgement and laughter because I am still a teen."
-Kori, Female, Age 18, Saved for 3 Years.

"I don't feel like I've been persecuted a whole lot for my belief in Christ, most of my friends are proclaiming Christians! Now with that said I do feel like some of them think my family may be a little weird or even judgmental because we don't drink or participate in things of that nature!" -Krystal, Female, Age 28, Saved for 8 Years.

"My family doesn't agree with the biblical morals I've adopted. And my faith challenges their beliefs and logic." -Anonymous Male, Age 24, Saved for 1 Year.

"I don't believe I can say I have ever been persecuted. When you hear persecution it usually entails legal action, imprisonment, physical punishment, and in extreme circumstances death. The only experience I have had was more shaming or shunning and cruel jesting." -Anonymous Male, Age 29, Saved for 24 Years.

"No one’s ever said-but I'd like to think my kindness towards them is noticeable & sets me apart."
-Anonymous Female, Age 32, Saved for 12 years.

"I have heard a lot of people tell me that they can see a glow of happiness around me as if angels walk beside me every day. I believe this defines me as a Christian to them because it shows them a happier life being a believer in Christ." -Kori, Female, Age 18, Saved for 3 Years.

"I'm told that I'm just way too happy to be normal and that I never let anything get to me. But it usually doesn't take very long for a conversation I'm in to start being all about Jesus, so THAT'S usually how they know." -Anonymous Female, Age 20, Saved for 1 Year.

"At first, I struggled with this because I had zeal, but not much wisdom. People were usually put-off by my zealous new-born experience. Now, as I've grown, I try to let Holy Spirit love people through me (this isn't always easy). However, I have learned that each & every person has value, Christ died for each one of us. The Lord continues to work with me & I continue to work with Him to cultivate & develop genuine interest & respect for people & their life stories." -Eileen, Female, Age 59, Saved for 35+ Years.

Answers: "A 10. Jesus' heart was for winning souls. It's about loving the lost and meeting them were they were at." -Anonymous Male, Age 24, Saved for 1 Year.

"Well, I believe it is a 10, because it is the first step of the mission, 'go and make disciples'. How we approach it works differently through our individual callings, gift-mixes & personalities. There isn't a "cookie-cutter" model, but we do learn to flow with Holy Spirit. I think of Jesus' encounter with the woman at the well." -Eileen, Female, Age 59, Saved for 35+ Years.

"7. It's important, OBVIOUSLY! Being able to disciple those that come to know Christ, helping them grow in their relationship with Jesus is, to ME, more important." - Anonymous Female, Age 32, Saved for 12 years.

"10.That is the point of us being here and being followers of Christ, he said in Mark 16:15 'Go into all the world and preach the gospel to the whole creation." -Anonymous Male, Age 29, Saved for 24 Years.

"Whether or not you have an actual, personal relationship with Christ. Going to church and knowing the Word of God means nothing unless you're actually acquainted with the Savior and have accepted His gift of salvation for yourself." -Anonymous Female, Age 20, Saved for 1 Year

"Your salvation with Christ. There is no loop hole or no purgatory where you can make things right with God. If you die saved you will enter not the kingdom of Heaven if not you will be condemned to hell." -Kori, Female, Age 18, Saved for 3 Years.

"Because my name is in the Lambs Book of Life." -Anonymous Female, Age 46, Saved for 36 Years.

"You have to realize that without God, you're living without true purpose. So you admit your faults, ask for forgiveness and surrender your life to God. He wants all or nothing. Luke warm He spews from his mouth. Live by His example." -Anonymous Male, Age 24, Saved for 1 Year.

My last question is one with 2 parts:

Answers: (Pt. 1) "For me, it is fellowship with my Lord. I love Him & I want to be with Him every day...throughout eternity. He enjoys me and I enjoy Him. Truly, He has captured my heart & I want to know Him better & better." (Pt. 2) "I am not only a follower of Christ, a disciple of Christ, but an aspiring friend. With each day, I'm growing-in-my-knowing, drawing closer to Him as we enjoy fellowship. I'm learning to trust Him at deeper levels and I want Him to be able to trust me. As a disciple, He teaches me, instructs me & guides me with His counsel. As an aspiring friend, we walk along this journey called life together." -Eileen, Female, Age 59, Saved for 35+ Years.

(Pt. 1) "I would consider the most important part of being a Christian is to stay read up in your bible. If you don't know the bible how are you supposed to win souls and defeat the devil through trials and temptations? (Pt. 2)"With this being the most important part, I wouldn't consider myself a follower because I am a college student, so I let things hinder me from reading my bible." -Kori, Female, Age 18, Saved for 3 Years.

(Pt. 1)"The most important part is giving everything you have to the calling God's given you. You can't be halfway saved, and lukewarm Christians are not getting into Heaven any time soon. Being a follower means picking up your cross and following Christ--not being comfortable, doing what you want, and only giving God your Sundays.
(Pt. 2) "Yes. I do consider myself a follower of Christ." -Anonymous Female, Age 20, Saved for 1 Year

(Pt. 1)"I'm not sure this question can be defined by one thing of great importance. When asked in Matthew 22:36-40 'Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?' and he said to him, 'You shall love the Lord God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. and the second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the prophets.' Notice he was asked one question and gave two answers. You must love God first and your neighbor, you can’t have one without the other. Scripture says in 1 John 4:20-21 'If anyone says 'I love God,' and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love a God whom he has not seen. And this command we have from him: Whoever loves God must also love his brother.' Denial of self and devoting your life to God is crucial and mentioned repeatedly Luke 14:26-27 reads 'If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple. Whoever does not bear his own cross cannot be my disciple.' He isn't saying hate everyone, but to love God and Christ and put them before your own life! There are many things Christ gave as instruction that have to work together. The first message He came preaching was to 'repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand', He also said follow Him, let your light shine before men, be reconciled. That is a tough question.
(Pt.2)"Yes." -Anonymous Male, Age 29, Saved for 24 Years.

(Pt.1)"The most important part of being a follower is loving God, that will be seen in your walk with Him, how much time you spend with Him in prayer and the Bible, and how well you love others; are you broken for the lost, are your praying for them, are you forgiving those who've wronged you!" (Pt. 2)"And with that, I feel like some days I am following Him more closely than others!" -Krystal, Female, Age 28, Saved for 8 Years.

And that concludes this survey. I personally thank all who participated in this survey and took the time to share their thoughts with the world.

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