Must-Have Eyeshadow Palettes for Summer 2016
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Must-Have Eyeshadow Palettes for Summer 2016

Art-inspired shades? Check. Collaborations with amazing beauty bloggers? Check. High quality, versatile products worth the money? Check.

Must-Have Eyeshadow Palettes for Summer 2016

As exciting as summer fashion is, this year I’m most excited about brand new beauty products—especially the eyeshadows. I can’t live without my matte red lipsticks and I love a winged liner, but every now and then I like to change up my usual eye routine. From collaborations with big-name beauty bloggers to palettes from my favorite brands, I think I’ve found the perfect high-quality products just in time for Memorial Day…Now if I can just not sweat it all off, that would be great.

Anastasia Beverly Hills Modern Renaissance Palette

Anastasia gave us a sneak peek into this beautiful palette on Instagram on Tuesday. As a lover of all things in the past, I was intrigued by the name, and my jaw literally dropped when I saw the range of shades. Anastasia’s daughter, Norvina, has an art history background, and she said she was inspired by the range of colors most commonly used by painters at that time period—“All but one aquamarine color that is also prominent in Renaissance art, but didn’t go with the collection. Maybe it will be a single one day.” Here’s hoping! I’m particularly pleased that 11 of the 14 shadows are matte, with three satin metallics. As someone with the blessing/curse that is oily skin, I have found that my shadows tend to stay put longer if they are matte formulas, especially in the sweltering Florida summer. Anastasia confirmed that this palette will be a permanent product for the cosmetic brand, it will cost $42 and it will release this summer.

Becca x Jaclyn Hill Champagne Collection

The first collaboration between Becca and Jaclyn Hill, the Shimmering Skin Perfector Pressed in Champagne Pop, has been insanely popular and reached cult status in the beauty world, and for good reason—the highlighter has the most beautiful white gold with a hint of pink that’s flattering on many skin tones. Becca and Jaclyn Hill are blessing us with an extension of that: the Champagne Collection, which includes a liquid and a “poured crème” version of Champagne Pop, a face palette and an eye palette. I’m particularly excited about the eyeshadow palette. Mauve-y neutrals that have wine-themed names?! Take. My. Money. The collection launched last week on Sephora’s website.

Jenn Im x Colourpop Cosmetics Jenn Ne Sais Quoi Collection

All the girls at work have been raving over Colourpop, praising them for their extensive shade range and extremely affordable prices. I’ve been intrigued by their collaboration with Kathleen Lights, but I’m particularly excited for the new Jenn Ne Sais Quad, the eyeshadow quad in the collection. The French-themed shades feature Un, a metallic platinum; Deux, a satin bronze; Trois, a satin warm brow; and, of course, Quatre, a lovely matte cool dark brown. The colors look easy to blend for day or night, from a different take on a smoky eye or a ‘90s throwback look. This collection launched last week as well and is limited edition.

From shades inspired by the Renaissance to colors reminiscent of ‘90s grunge, there is a lot to be excited about this summer in terms of eyeshadow. Now if they could just invent a magical potion that makes my “waterproof” eyeliner stay put, please!

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