Music Midtown 2016
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Music Midtown 2016

Some helpful tips to help you survive Atlanta's biggest music festival

Music Midtown 2016
Ninety Nine X

In just two short weeks, Piedmont Park in Atlanta will host some of the biggest names in the music industry in one single place. If you've ever attended a music festival, you know how incredibly electric they can be. All of the people, the atmosohere, and not to mention a slew of your favorite artists all in one place--it's like they created this lineup just for you.

Yes, the hype is definitely real.

And if you haven't ever been to one...well you're in for a wild ride. But before you pull on your white high top Chuck Taylor's and crop tops, let's go over some important tips in music festival survival that will have you prepared for just about anything.

1. Dress for comfort

Ladies, this section is really just for you. Now I know that new pair of wedges you got at Charlotte Russe would go perfect with your vintage lace bandeau, but from one girl to another--DON'T DO IT. If you love yourself and value the happiness of your feet, you will slip on some flat shoes and call it a day. Also, probably go with closed toed shoes as well since people have a habit of wildly jumping around in crowded areas when jamming to music (your toes will thank you).

It's also going to be scarily hot outside--they don't call it Hotlanta for nothing. So unless you want to pass out from a heat stroke, try some shorts and a light top; things you can dance in without having to worry about a wardrobe malfunction. We're looking at you, Lenny Kravitz.


No, you are not a cactus and no you cannot survive in this heat without sufficient water. Bring one factory sealed water bottle (it can be up to 1 liter) and guard it with your life. They will provide water stations so you can refill whenever. They won't allow your own personal water container, so unfortunately your Bubba Kegs and Camelbaks have to sit out for this one.

3. Slather on the sunscreen

No one wants to be the guy who comes back on day two looking like they lost a battle with a tanning bed. Go to Walmart, pick up a small container of a decent SPF (don't even look at anything below 30), and apply throughout the day. Hello September tan! Plus you'll smell like summer and people dig that.

4. Pack light

Like really light. They don't allow backpacks, and the biggest size of a bag they do allow is a 12" X 6" X 12" clutch. Only pack your necessities: phone, wallet, sunscreen, and feminine products (mother nature waits for nothing ladies).

5. Map out the area

Trust me, after drinking all that water, you'll want to know where the bathroom is. Make a mental note of all the important areas like water filling stations, bathrooms, and medical tents. Also know which stages are where just in case you have 10 minutes to make it from The Killers' set to G-Eazy. Let's be honest, you're not going to miss either.

6. Always have a buddy

Hello?! There are going to be thousands of people in one concentrated area, it's like an invitation to get lost. Arrive with at least one other person (or group of people), stick to said person/people, and leave with them. Invest in a leash if you have one of those friends that gets distracted easily; clip it on a choker or belt loop and you're ready for anything.

Since Music Midtown is a "car-less event" you might find yourself getting on Marta, walking, or Ubering to get back to your car or hotel. TRAVEL IN NUMBERS. Atlanta is not known for it's high safety rating and you and your flower crown are not the most threatening combination. Since some of the acts end late, you'll be leaving at night, so try and stay with people you know. Make sure your phone is charged to 100% before the festival starts so you have an open line of communication.

7. Use caution when making new friends

Music festivals are chocked full of fun, eccentric, and the occasionally sketchy people. Maybe you'll meet your best friend or significant other there, who knows. But you know the saying: if it looks, acts, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck...or in this case stranger danger. I don't care if he has a killer manbun and says he has the newest King of Pops flavor back at his place. If it doesn't feel right, trust your gut. Make smart decisions people. Which leads me to my last tip:


For goodness sake do not bring drugs or alcohol with you. You were born with common sense, don't forget to use it. You've got your whole life ahead of you kid, don't slip up because you wanted Mary Jane to come along.

So there you have it, a comprehensive guide to making your festival experience a little less traumatic. Just remember, the most important thing is to have fun... and Instagram every moment you can.

For more information on Music Midtown, visit their site at

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