9. When someone asks you what your greatest strength is. | The Odyssey Online
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18 'Mrs. Doubtfire' GIFs Still Relevant For Any Situation Life Throws At You In 2018

"Help is on the way, dear!"

20th Century Fox

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Mrs. Doubtfire is definitely one of my favorite movies of all time. Robin Williams did a terrific job bringing this quirky old nanny to life. There are several moments in the film that have made us all laugh out loud, and some are captured in the gifs below. I've enjoyed taking these gifs and using them to describe some sticky situations I'm sure we've all been in.

1. When someone roasts you, but you gotta recover quickly. 


2. When someone walks in on you doing some weird stuff. 


3. When you're at the bar and you see a creep hitting on your best friend. 


4. When you decide to cook up something special...and it succeeds. 


5. When you see someone you hate, but you have to be polite. 


6. And when the same person turns around. 


7. When you got chores to do and there's no one else home. 

Sweeping Mrs. Doubtfire GIF by Hollywood Suite - Find & Share on GIPHYGiphy

8. When you spy bullsh*t and point it out to your friend. 


9. When someone asks you what your greatest strength is. 


10.When you eavesdrop on a convo that you're likely not supposed to hear. 


11. When you try to convince your friends not to drink too much at the party. 


12. When someone tries to be all negative and ruin your good mood. 


13. When you attempt to apply for job, but you're a tad nervous. 

GIF by Sports Illustrated - Find & Share on GIPHYGiphy

14. When someone attempts to rob you, but you showed them who's the real boss. 


15. When you go to the beauty salon and get the works done. 


16. When you struggle with depression and someone tells you to "cheer up." 


17. When someone you hate has the nerve to lay their hands on you. 


18. And when you see someone being rude to your BFF. 


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