I love movie trailers.
This past week saw a few hit the internet and theaters. Join me in taking a look at what is coming out between December and May of 2017!
The 2nd (or is it 3rd) trailer has hit and gives more story/plot details than ever before.
I think the prior trailers were were much more focused on Star Wars fans, showing them new character and locations, while giving them touchstones of the classic trilogy. This trailer feels more oriented to non-fans, allowing them a better idea of what the story is like and the kind of action involved. This is a big step for Disney, going outside of the "core" storyline of the Skywalker saga of the Trilogies for the first time. It's a much a risk as a megafranchise like Star Wars can be for Disney.
All I know it, I am so very there!
Rogue One: A STAR WARS Story is due on Dec. 16, 2016
I've been surprised that it's been so long since the first trailer to release a new one, with only a few months to go til release.
Based on the popular videogame series, this looks pretty fun to me. I've not played the game, so I can't say anything about its accuracy to the game. But the friends who have played, have really loved what they've seen in the trailer.
I know I'm in for seeing it.
Assassin's Creed is due on December 21, 2016
The first trailer for the 3rd (and likely final)Wolverine movie premiered this week.
I love that this doesn't look like any of the prior X-Men movies. Rather that "grim and gritty", this trailer, with the air of Johnny Cash's somber version of "Hurt", comes off much more sad & melancholy than you'd expect from a comic book movie. The storyline is partially based on "Old Man Logan" comic, which is teased with the idea there are "no more mutants" and the healing factor of Logan deteriorating/non-existent. There's also a possible connection to the after-credits sequence from this year's X-Men Apocalypse.
There's a lot to like in this trailer, and since is being directed by the same director as The Wolverine, James Mangold. (Funny enough, he also directed a film... about Johnny Cash!)
You can also check out the Red Band International trailer to get an idea of just why Logan is "the best there is at what I do... and what I do isn't very nice."
Logan is due on March 3, 2017
So this isn't EXACTLY a trailer, nor a teaser for a trailer...
Director James Gunn says this isn't a trailer as much a trailer as a sneak peak, with a full trailer showing up soon. But fans of the Guardians don't really care-they are just excited to see new footage finally!
Everyone's back-even the cutest baby Groot you didn't think could be cuter!
I would expect that at full trailer would be released along with Doctor Strange on Nov. 4. But I think it could also show up along with Rogue One as well.
But no matter what, I'm there opening day!
Guardian's of the Galaxy Vol 2is due on May 5, 2017
There's one more trailer I'd love to discuss... but it's no longer available!
A temp trailer made it onto the internet for a few hours of the film adaptation of Stephen King's The Dark Tower.
Sadly, the Powers-That-Be pulled it quickly, esp. since some of the visual FX weren't completed. So it's understandable.
But with a release date of February 17, 2017, I would expect one should hit very soon.
Now onto our feature presentation!