10 Mini Tasks To Start Doing To Better Your Self Awareness
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10 Mini Tasks You Can Start Doing Every Day To Better Your Self Awareness

Any exercise that can lead to true self-contentment and love is one worth trying, no matter how silly it may seem.

10 Mini Tasks You Can Start Doing Every Day To Better Your Self Awareness

It seems like everyone is trying to achieve some level of peace or state of happiness within their own selves these days. While this is already a hard task to complete in itself, it's extra hard with the influence of social media controlling what's considered the "perfect" body or life nowadays. It honestly seems sometimes impossible to achieve because of the constant noise and stimuli we have around us everyday.

This sort of peace or contentment within oneself is never achieved overnight, however, no matter what obstacles have to be faced in the process, not to mention that everyone has their own methods of learning how to grow and achieve this kind of happiness. And so, I've compiled a list of some of the things that I think can be super beneficial if you're researching how to really start living your best life. It's most important to keep in mind, however, that everyone's journey toward this is a long one and each is unique, because these practices have to be tailored and work for you; we are all unique and work differently, after all.

 Download a daily reflection app.

Being able to reflect on your daily life before you start your day helps tp keep things in perspective. There are tons of self-help and journaling apps available these days, and downloading just one to start this practice can honestly be super beneficial. I downloaded the app "Jour" a few weeks ago and it literally takes less than five minutes per day to answer the three to five questions they have pre-set for daily reflections in different topics. They also have sections for traveling, combatting anxiety, growth and much more; plus, it's free!

  Research more about your Zodiac sign.

Not everyone is into the Zodiac, but once you find out what your own astrology sign is, it may actually lead you to finding out more about yourself as well as the relationships you have with the most important people in your life. Even getting to read a daily horoscope (in which I use the apps DailyHoroscope and Co-Star) can change your whole perspective on how to live out each day for the better.

 Start journaling.

This may not be a task made for everyone, but this is something that I highly recommend for those who normally wouldn't to force themselves to do. Whether it be on your laptop or in a notebook by hand, writing out your in-the-moment feelings and even stressing how much you hate writing can start a positive habit that will make you see how you grow later on.

 Start a daily morning AND night routine.

Having a routine for the start and end of your day can be super beneficial, and what better time to start this practice than the summer? Instead of looking at your phone right when you wake up, try journaling for five minutes or washing your face before eating a good breakfast. Before I get into bed, I tell myself at least one thing that I am grateful for and I make sure to read for at least 15 minutes to clear my head before falling asleep. Having a little bit of a routine can go a long way, and it can better your mental health in the meantime.

 Try meditating or quick yoga exercises.

These may sound like cliché physical activities but they are very beneficial for anyone's mental health. With the resources of social media and YouTube videos in today's world, anyone can learn how to do quick and easy exercises to better their body, breathing, mental state and anxiety all while having fun doing it.

 Write. Down. Everything.

This does relate to the last tip, so I suggest getting your pens ready! I truly believe that writing or speaking dreams into existence works, and there is no better way to start making them come true by writing them down. Think of it like a shopping or to-do list: once you write it down, you will become more determined to get it done and be able to cross it off once it's completed. Even writing down your feelings about something, ideas, dreams and more could make great things to read back on when you've completely forgotten about it.

 Water is your new all-problem solver.

As I've said before, drinking water constantly has a number of benefits, including the magical power of being the solution to almost every problem. Feeling sick or tired? It's most likely due to dehydration, and especially in the summer heat, you need to replenish your body with its most important and natural nutrient. Make it a habit to always have a cup or bottle of water with you at all times every day- starting now!

 Follow more motivational and positive pages on social media.

If you're like me, you most likely spend half your time on your phone scrolling through the gram or Twitter laughing at stupid memes and videos. You can make this mindless scrolling beneficial through following positive accounts that will remind you to not overthink and be your best self. I mostly do this on Instagram (following accounts such as @thirdeyethoughts and @eternalsunshinebrand), and it honestly makes my time with social media more productive and positive. Practicing this can honestly be a whole mood changer, and cannot be a negative whatsoever.

 Be grateful for everything in your life, and say it out loud!

Going back to creating daily routines, I make it a habit of mine to say at least one thing I'm grateful for to myself right before I hop into bed. It may seem silly or strange, but it's very important to be appreciative of everything in life as well as all of the experiences you have been through previously to where it's led you to right in this moment. Whether you say it to yourself, a loved one or even writing it down in your journal, just taking a moment to be grateful for everything great in your life can make you feel way more fulfilled than you have recently.

 Look in the mirror and repeat affirmations to yourself... yes, seriously.

One of the most popular methods I have found for acquiring true self-love includes actually looking at yourself in the mirror and stating a few things you love about yourself- on the outside and in. Doing this first thing in the morning, after you brush your teeth or even while you're styling your hair, for a few minutes every day can make for a seriously empowering impact on your self esteem and how you feel about yourself on the daily overall.

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