John Clayton Mayer is an American musician. He is an extremely talented individual who plays the violin, piano, flute, clarinet, and of course the guitar. He composes and writes all of his songs and he is also a producer. He is a blessing to society and his music is something that many of us can relate to. This mini picks list is songs that I think really show the kind of musician he is and they are inspiring. I hope you enjoy!
5. Say- Continuum
Behind the song: This song was written for a film called The Bucket List. This filmed starred Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman and the music video shows a number of scenes from the movie.
Meaning of the song: The song itself is encouragement for those who are afraid to speak their mind or are afraid to be themselves. There is a multitude of times in life where we fade into the background and we are ashamed of who we are or how we feel. The song is expressing that the greatest regret we could ever have is not saying what we need to say.
Reason for the pick: In high school I listened to this song a lot. I was used to fading into the background and I know there are a lot of people who had the same experience that I did. I would listen to this song when I needed encouragement to express who I was and it helped.
4. Daughters- Heavier things
Behind the song: Mayer explained the song when he appeared on VH1 Storytellers in 2011. He stated how frustrated that so many beautiful young women have “daddy issues” and he goes on to talk about this girl who he was in love with had problems trusting men. He traced her issues with men back to the very first man in her life and so he states that he was sitting around trying to come up with ideas on how to love her and then he comes to this conclusion: “The answer is; you can’t because someone else didn’t before you”
Meaning of the song: This is John Mayer’s message to father’s saying be good to their daughters. However, the father treats the daughter is crucial to the trust they have in men. So fathers be good to your daughters because if you are not they will find it hard to be in a relationship.
Reason for the pick: The music and the meaning. It is just a gorgeous piece and it is promoting good nature towards others.
3. Stop this train- Continuum
Behind the song: Mayer wrote this song about getting older. He explained that he reached a “quarter-life crisis” and said that his twenties were amazing but when he was twenty-seven he got extremely depressed about getting older. He then says he finally settled down after he turned thirty and he realized it was not that bad.
Meaning of the song: The song is about getting older and being afraid of it. When all you know is how to be young it is scary the thought of being an adult.
Reason for the pick: The guitar in this song is beautiful and it is a great song for people to listen to who have reached their thirties, forties, or even twenties. Just for those of us who have peter-pan syndrome.
2. Waiting on the world to change- Continuum
Behind the song: John wrote this song about how most of us deal with issues in the world. In the lyrics: “Me and all my friends, we’re all misunderstood. They say we stand for nothing and there’s no way we ever could.” He is talking about his generation's lack of faith in the government but how none of them are willing to stand up for what they believe is right. We are all just sitting around waiting for something good to happen.
Meaning of the song: Everyone wants the world to change but no one is willing to try and change the world. We are all just waiting around for it to change itself. When I listen to this song it encourages me to do more than just sit around. It inspires be to get up and be the change I want to see in the world.
Reason for the pick: This is obviously one of his more popular pieces and for good reason. It is a challenge to us as a nation and to everyone around the world. Like: “Are you gonna just sit here like the rest of us? That’s fine… we can just wait for everything to get better.”
1.The heart of life- Continuum
Behind the song: There were no song facts about this piece but I do know that this song is connected “Waiting on the world to change”. They both are pieces of the same puzzle and are part of the Continuum album. This song however is the positive counter-part to “Waiting on the world to change.” And it states that at the heart of life it is good.
Meaning of the song: The song is about how even though there are thousands of problems in the world that at the very center there is a lot of things wonderful about it. All the problems we face in life we often do not have to go through alone. Even though there is pain love comes in and heals our wounds. That sometimes things will not go according to plan but everything will be alright in the end because we will get what we need. So in essence the heart of life is good.
Reason for the pick: This song has lifted my spirits a multitude of times. I have lived a lot of my life as a pessimist and I did not think about how life is supposed to be lived to the fullest. This song inspires me to not worry so much and just focus on the good in life instead of the bad. It also contains one of my favorite song quotes of all time: “Pain throws your heart to the ground, love turns the whole thing around. No it won’t all go the way it should… but I know that heart of life is good”