Millenials Are Changing Every Aspect of Society
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Millenials Are Changing Every Aspect of Society

Millenials changing society: Advancement or Regression?

Millenials Are Changing Every Aspect of Society

Among the controversial topics of abortion, presidential elections, and transgender bathrooms, another has given rise: the destruction of society by millenials.

There are many sides to this topic, but the two I have seen the most of are: "Millenials are ruining everything we built this country up to be" and "Millenials are just expanding the horizons." So, let's explore a little bit of both...

Among the people who believe that millenials are ruining this country, are the parents and grandparents of millenials, and quite a few millenials are involved in this side of the conversation as well. So, what exactly is so bad about our generation? According to most, we are self-righteous, lazy, and feel entitled to everything without the work to earn it. Many of the older generation(s) find that we are lazy and we have to have government assistance or more than one job because we have no idea how to budget, have a work ethic, or invest wisely. You can find proof that budgeting money, wages, inflation, etc, were very different 40 years ago. While some aspects may be true, this is not completely my generation's fault or results in the stereotype that we are lazy.

The other side, which contains most of the millennial generation, states that we are in fact changing society for the best. We have created more societal change and awareness than any generation before us. During our childhood, teen years, and early adulthood, the technological advances, societal norms, and laws have changed so drastically that people have started saying that this is not the America it used to be. And it's not.

Gay marriage is legal, transgender bathrooms may one day become legal, politics are more corrupt than ever, ISIS is very real. Change has occurred and most is due to reform and revolution. So, are millenials that lazy, entitled, spoiled brats so many think we are? My answer? Yes and no.

Yes, there are those freeloaders who will find any and every way possible to live off of the government and our taxpayer money while contributing absolutely nothing to society. There are those who expect a reward without earning it. There are those who will be so radically liberal or conservative that it can be hard to have a conversation or respect their opinion. Especially, when they do not show the same respect to the opposing party. However, almost every generation of our time has these people. While the millenials may have more of these individuals, it does not necessarily mean that everyone is like this. In society, we call this a stereotype. (Sarcasm intended.)

On the other hand, we are not any of these things. I am in no way bragging when I say I take pride in myself for not being the stereotypical "millennial." I have worked since I was 15 and ever since I graduated high school, I had at least 2 or 3 jobs a summer. I am buying my own education and I work hard. I have opinions that differ from those of my generation. However, I am in no way disgracing those who take pride in being a millenial. All the power to them.

Am I different than the generations before me and am I alike to those of my generation? Yes. Times have changed. To expect child rearing and outcomes to be the same as in the past is delusional. Things will change with the times. There is no way to avoid it. Humans are not made to adapt to change easily, but we have changed. Whether we like it or not, there are going to be different views on everything; politics, religion, bathrooms, sexual orientation, etc. I find that to be okay. Diversity is what America is about, correct? Within reason, of course, but still that was the purpose of the beginning of America. Imagine how boring it would be if everyone agreed on everything and we remained stuck in our own opinions and beliefs.

So, millenials are changing society as they will continue to. Do I agree with everything being advocated for? Definitely not. But I admire the audacity and determination of the people of my generation to not accept the things they don't agree with and believe can be changed. I find many things disheartening, but I think I find the disgrace from our elders to be the most disheartening. After all, the generations before us raised us to be upstanding citizens or morally sound. However, my generation is criticized for standing up for those whose values are not accepted and widely shot down because that is not how the majority thinks. My generation is called self-righteous because we stand up for what we believe in and do not back down. We are called lazy because we are invested in technology.

I am a patriot and firmly believe in every amendment right. This includes, freedom of speech, religion, to bear arms. Everything. No right should be denied to someone. This includes the minority, but I do not see the reason to forget the majority either. Many will see this article as just another millennial not knowing what she is talking about or will automatically assume that I am okay with transgender bathrooms or gay marriage or Sharia law. I am neither advocating nor discriminating against this. I have my own opinions, but I prefer to keep them to myself. Honestly, there are bigger problems in this world than to pick fights over minute things. My parents always taught me not to judge others. Because although I am a Christian, not a feminist, and believe in our Constitution, I am also a centrist. As long as you do not discriminate against or disgrace my religion, opinion, or political stances, I will respect yours.

Not everyone is the same or will have the same beliefs, but where the heck did respect go? Where did niceties go? We are constantly hating some group of people or political stance or religious view. If you want opinions to be heard and respected, hear others and respect others. Negativity and narcissism will get you nowhere.

So millenials and to the generations before us, wake up. The only thing tearing this country apart is the hate and disrespect of others who are different than us. America is supposed to be different. We are supposed accept others and discuss these things. We are not called to hate and discriminate, but to love and pass no judgment.

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