10 of Michelangelo's best pieces
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10 Of Michelangelo's Best Pieces, Ranked

"The true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection." - Michelangelo


During the Renaissance, we have been granted many different pieces of art from numerous famous artists. There was a lot of commissioned artwork, meaning that many artists only completed pieces that they were paid for. They did this because supplies and materials were hard to come by. One of these artists being the infamous sculptor and painter Michelangelo. Here, I highlight 10 of his best-commissioned pieces during this era.


"Bacchus"was the Roman god of wine. Michelangelo depicted Bacchus holding grapes and a goblet in his hand in a commissioned piece. It was created between 1496-1497 and is located in the Bargello National Museum in Florence, Italy.

Dying Slave

Created between 1513-1516, "The Dying Slave" is one of the sculptural pieces for the tomb of Pope Julius II. Many scholars believed it depicts slavery that occurred during the Renaissance in Italy. It is located in the Louvre Museum in Paris, France.


What makes this interesting is the "San Spirito Crucifix" was created in 1492 when he was only 18 years old. It was a thank you piece to the Augustine monks who welcomed him after Michelangelo's patron passed away. This piece is located at the Basilica di Santo Spirito church in Florence, Italy.

Madonna of Bruges

"Madonna of Bruges" is a fascinating piece because it represents Virgin Mary and her son Jesus together. According to the Visit Bruges website, "It does not show a kind and warm mother gazing at her child; rather it depicts a mother who is sorrowful at what is to become of her son." It was created between 1501-1504, and is located in Bruges, Belgium.

The Last ​Judgement

"The Last Judgement" fresco painting depicts Christ and the verdict of The Last Judgement, which is explored in the Bible. It covers the altar wall of the Sistine Chapel in Vatican City, Rome. Fun fact: Michelangelo began this painting 25 years after completing the Sistine Chapel ceiling.


Michelangelo's "Moses" was sculpted between 1513-1515 and is one of the pieces designated for Pope Julius II's tomb. This portrays the biblical figure Moses with horns on its head. It is located in Basilica di San Pietro in Vincol church of Rome, Italy.


The "Angel" was created between1494–1495, and was also the major plot device in the children's book From the Mixed-Up files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler. This marble piece is located in The Basilica of San Domenico church in Boglona, Italy.


Created between 1498–1499, "Pieta" depicted the Virgin Mary holding the dead body of Christ. This is the only piece of work that Michelangelo signed his name on, which helped launched his career at the age of 24. It is located in St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City.


Based on the biblical story of "David", this 17-foot tall marble sculpture was created between 1501-1504. Michelangelo began working on it when he was 26 years old! It is currently located in the Accademia Gallery in Florence, Italy.

The Creation of Adam

"The Creation of Adam" is Michelangelo's most notable pieces of art of all time. It shows God giving life to Adam, the first man. This fresco piece forms a part of the Sistine Chapel's ceiling, which he supposedly painted while on his back. The Sistine Chapel is located in Vatican City, Rome.

Though the Renaissance was centuries ago, Michelangelo's artwork is still celebrated today all around the world. We all must continue to appreciate the art which has inspired many artists of our modern society.

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