Earlier this week, Representative Mia Love of Utah gave an emotional interview on Fox's "Lou Dobbs Tonight" concerning defunding Planned Parenthood.
Now, not only has Indiana Governor Mike Pence's office cleared Planned Parenthood of the alleged activity (i.e. selling fetus parts, if you've been living under a rock), but a handful of other states have followed suit and have turned up no violations. Even with this information, Republicans are still fighting hard against Planned Parenthood, Mia Love included. There were many key points she made during her appearance, but a few of them had major flaws. Watch the interview here:
“Our job is to protect life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, but first and foremost, life.”
How is one life worth more than the other? How is the life of a woman worth less than the life of the fetus? The phrase “protecting life” is thrown around quite a bit. If you are trading the mother’s life for the child, is that really protecting life? To me, that seems more like bartering. In the interview, Love states, “It is our job to protect those who do not have a voice to protect themselves.” If we take away an American woman’s right to abortion and contraception services, are we not taking away their voice? ALL women should have a voice when it comes to their bodies. I would much rather make my own medical decisions than trust the House and Senate to make them for me.
“This is not about a right or left issue; this is about right or wrong…. We cannot pretend this isn’t happening.”
Abortion is a reality. No one is pretending that it isn’t happening. Most people are either fighting for it or against it. What seems right to me is giving a woman a choice in her own life. What seems wrong to me is forcing her to, in some cases, risk her life to birth a child she may never meet, or a child she cannot care for. Is it not wrong to force a woman to birth a child who will be in constant pain, or who will not survive past birth? The wrongs far outweigh the rights in the argument against abortion.
Furthermore, those arguing against Planned Parenthood are ignoring an important fact; by defunding Planned Parenthood, we are downsizing the amount of affordable birth control available to women across the country. The idea is to decrease the amount of abortions happening. Without access to affordable birth control and practical sex education, the amount of abortions performed is only going to rise. To prevent unwanted pregnancy, there are a combination of factors that need to be implemented together. When you subtract birth control from the equation, it only ends in disaster.
“I’ve always been pro-life. I am a mother and a wife first and foremost.”
Just so every little girl knows, you can be a mother and a wife while still supporting abortion rights. I personally want to have children in the future. I know that decision is right for me. I also know that not every woman wants to, or is equipped to, have children, and that is her own decision. I support everyone’s right to choose what goes on inside their body. If Mia Love decides that abortion is not right for her, that is her decision and I respect that. But, I also expect her to respect my boundaries and decisions as well. There’s this crazy thing called body autonomy, which means that we have the right to make decisions pertaining to our insides. People can decide whether or not to donate their organs after death. No one else decides that for them. If the right to abortion access is denied, then we are giving women less of a choice about their bodies than dead people. Is that really fair? As a human being, I believe every able-minded person should have the right to vouch for their own body.
At the end of this interview, Lou Dobbs speaks about the “hard choices” that Republicans are going to have to make to defund Planned Parenthood. What he doesn’t realize is that abortion IS a hard choice for women across the country. Having an abortion is not easy. It is a tough decision. But sometimes, it is for the better of the woman and of her country.
Dobbs stated that over six million abortions have been performed since the passing of Roe v. Wade in 1973. Take a minute to think about that. If those six million abortions hadn’t been performed, how many more people would be living on our continent? How many more criminals would be occupying our prisons, how many more homeless on our streets? How many more to ration water to in the California drought? Economically, abortion makes sense.
Mia Love’s emotional interview on Fox’s "Lou Dobbs Tonight" does not change my stance on abortion. It was amazing to see a politician get so passionate about something, but I believe Love is not weighing the rights with the wrongs, the outcomes with the decisions, or the benefits to the consequences. The bottomline is, it isn’t her decision to make. It is a woman’s personal right to decide whether or not she will have an abortion. We cannot let the House and the Senate become our primary physicians. Politicians don’t know what is right for our individual bodies. Only we do.