Metallica: 'Metallica' ('The Black Album') Album Review
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Metallica: 'Metallica' ('The Black Album') Album Review

Metallica utilizes a far more simple and commercial sound that took the band to whole new level of commercial success

Metallica: 'Metallica' ('The Black Album') Album Review

Metallica is the fifth studio album by the American thrash/heavy metal band, Metallica. The album lasts a duration of 62:31. It was released on August 12, 1991 under the record label known as Elektra Records.


James Hetfield – lead vocals, rhythm guitar, producer

Kirk Hammett – lead guitar

Jason Newsted – bass

Lars Ulrich – drums, percussion, producer

Additional Musicians:

Michael Kamen – orchestral arrangement on "Nothing Else Matters"


Bob Rock – producer

Randy Staub – engineer

Mike Tacci – engineer

George Marino – mastering


Metallica shows a completely new direction for the band as it utilizes a more simple and groove based heavy metal sound. Producer Bob Rock wanted Metallica to change up their sound to branch out and expand their fan base. Metallica was able to make a record with anthemic choruses, heavy guitar riffs, and terrific groove based tracks.

Because it was Rock's first time producing a Metallica album, he had the band change their routine. He asked them to record songs collaboratively rather than individually in separate locations. He also suggested recording tracks live and using harmonic vocals for Hetfield. Rock was expecting the production to be "easy" but had trouble working with the band, leading to frequent, engaged arguments with the band members over aspects of the album. Rock also wanted Hetfield to write better lyrics. Despite these disagreements, Rock would go on to produce three more Metallica albums.

Metallica reached 1 on the Billboard 200 where it charted for a ridiculous 390 weeks. The album has since gone 16x Platinum in the United States. Each track will be rated as follows: Awful, Very Poor, Poor, Below Average, Average, Above Average, Good, Great, and Superb. Here are my thoughts on each track:

Track Listing:

1. "Enter Sandman" 5:29

I am not going to go into detail. If you haven't heard this song then you have been living under a rock for the past 26 years. In all seriousness though, despite how much this song has been played to death, I still really enjoy it. It has an awesome guitar riff and a great guitar solo. The production value is amazing.

Grade: Superb

2. "Sad but True" 5:24

This is a great groove based track. It has an amazing guitar riff that will cause lots of head banging. Hetfield's vocals are outstanding and I really enjoy the lyrics. The guitar solo is excellent as well. This more stripped down sound is just as heavy, but more catchy and instantly likable. "Sad but True" is a classic in the genre of heavy metal.

Grade: Superb

3. "Holier Than Thou" 3:47

"Holier Than Thou" definitely brings back more of the speed and aggression for the thrash fans. The riffs are fantastic and I love the lyrics. The song speaks about those who judge others and think they are "holier" than those around them. The chorus is big and anthemic. Throw in another fantastic solo and Metallica has made another fantastic track. Unlike on their last release, the bass is actually audible.

Grade: Great

4. "The Unforgiven" 6:26

"The Unforgiven" has an awesome acoustic beginning. Then when the big sounding guitar comes in, it will wake anyone up. The song is very well written and has varied musical arrangements as well as terrific lyrics. The mix of softer melody and heavier riffing make the track an awesome listen. The guitar solo is probably Hammett's best solo of all time. This is my favorite track from the album.

Grade: Superb

5. "Wherever I May Roam" 6:42

I love the intro guitar that begins the track. I also really enjoy the excellent drumming that will make anyone bob their head. Hetfield's vocals continue their powerful nature that he has shown on this record. The riffs are outstanding and the chorus is one of the best from the album. The guitar solo is excellent and the whole upbeat nature of the song really makes this a fun and enjoyable listen.

Grade: Superb

6. "Don't Tread on Me" 3:59

I really enjoy the very beginning of the song. It has a great intro with terrific drumming and a head banging guitar riff. The song is fairly simple and is one of the least interesting from the entire album. I do like the catchy chorus and the drum beat makes my head bob up and down. The guitar solo is very good as well. Despite its simplicity, I still enjoy this song quite a bit.

Grade: Great

7. "Through the Never" 4:01

The riff in this song is awesome. I love the great drum beat as well. I am instantly head banging as soon as this track starts. Then it changes the riff to a much simpler one when the verses begin. I love the chorus of the song because of how memorable it is. The guitar soloing is phenomenal in this track. Overall, it is a thrill to listen to.

Grade: Great

8. "Nothing Else Matters" 6:29

Now comes the ballad from the album. It's basically all acoustic and has heartfelt lyrics and vocals from James. To be honest, many thrash fans probably can't stand this one, but it was new territory for the band who had never come close to making a ballad like this. It was a risk and it payed off. The heavier guitar solo may not be Metallica's most complex, but it is fantastic.

Grade: Superb

9. "Of Wolf and Man" 4:16

I love the overall heaviness and drum beats this song employs. I love the chorus. The guitar riffs are very catchy and heavy. Hetfield's vocal delivery is outstanding throughout the track's entirety and continues to prove why he is one of metal's best vocalist. The guitar solo is great as expected.

Grade: Great

10. "The God That Failed" 5:05

The opening bass line and beat of this song is probably tied for my favorite opening to any track on the entire disc. I love the guitar riffs that will cause severe head banging. The guitar licks are fantastic as well. The chorus is unbelievably catchy as well. The guitar solo is amazing as well.

Grade: Superb

11. "My Friend of Misery" 6:47

The bass intro to this song is fantastic and really sets the mood for the entire track. The booming guitar that soon joins it along with drums is a great way to begin this track. This is the other phenomenal opening from the album. Hetfield's vocals are fantastic and during the chorus he really shines.

So much for Newsted's bass not being heard. He really shines hear. The instrumental part that occurs about half way through is fantastic. That guitar solo just after is short and sweet. Metallica throws in another to end the song to add dramatic effect. This is an underrated track in every way and it's the best song from the second half of the disc.

Grade: Superb

12. "The Struggle Within" 3:51

Now comes the weakest song on the album. it is actually a pretty good song though. It has a cool opener and a really catchy chorus. The guitar riffs are great and the whole song feels big and very anthemic. The guitar solo is fantastic and really makes this track go from good to great.

Grade: Good

My Verdict:

Metallica is seen by some of the hardcore thrash fans as a "sellout" album. It was actually a risky album because of how different it is from Metallica's previous releases. In my opinion this album is Metallica's best because it has a great combination of heavy metal with a dash of thrash metal. It also still retains that signature Metallica sound.

The production value is the best of any Metallica record as well. This was my first Metallica album I ever listened to and it is still my favorite to this day. There is not a single song that is not strong on this entire record and it is basically flawless.

Rating: 10 / 10

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