Male Stereotypes As Patterns | The Odyssey Online
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Male Stereotypes As Patterns

Fraternities, Skaters, and Band Kids all have one thing in common: they have a pattern.

Male Stereotypes As Patterns

We all know those guys that we just can't take seriously because of how well they fit stereotypes. They were in our high school class, college friend group, and one-day, will be in our work-place. Well, in my opinion, one thing really sets these guys and their stereotypes apart: patterns. Everyone has a tendency to wear particular patterns and style, that help define their social standing and stereotype. So, without further a-do, "Male StereoTypes As Patterns":

The Fratty Daddy

Nothings says, "I'm ready for a good time," like a bright gingham button-up. Ready for a couple beers with the bros? Need to impress at an interview? Forgot to wash your University T's for the upcoming game? No fear! Simply: lose the buttons for a good time, add a sports coat to impress employers, or leave the collar unbuttoned to enjoy the breeze with your game-day date.

Frat Guys, sometimes jovially called Fratty Daddies, commonly sport all-terrain clothing, which keeps them ready for literally anything: shooting hoops, partying, or meeting professionals. Gingham can be replaced by solid neon Guy Harvey shirts.

The Nerd

T-Shirts with fake argyle vests, actual argyle vest, strange argyle polos, and even argyle patterned slip-on shoes are quick ways to spot the chief of local nerds. Argyle symbolizes structure, class, intellect, superiority, and calculated creativity. Scientists are still unsure who designed this pattern and why, as it looks like a designer couch.

Due to their superior intellect, The Nerds can be seen blending in to society with over-sized polos, lame graphic tees, and cardigans. Sometimes, they can be confused for Geeks or Band Kids.

The Band Kid

Sometimes synonymous with Geeks and Nerds, Band Kids sport a heightened intelligence, social awkwardness, and a goofy personality. Always dressing to impress their crushes, show off their relevance in society, their musical experience in marching band causes them to be stuck between modern styles and the structure of classical times. Horizontal stripes just make sense.

Making you look stupid and winning Cards Against Humanity, The Band Kid enjoys horizontal stripes due to it's structure and modern appeal in the fashion industry. Horizontal stripe patterns are replaceable with trendy graphic tees or sunburnt skin due to their heightened sense of modern entertainment and time on the band-field.

The Jock

Commonly seen with sweat stains, protein shakes, and your girlfriend, The Jock specializes in winning the ladies, scoring points for athletic teams, reminiscing about the glory days, and wearing solid colors with no real patterns. Solid colors are easy to wash, hang up, reuse, match with other items, and are easy to replace. Slogans and brand signage are their preferred patterns.

Always ready to throw ball, race down the street, and see who can lift the most, The Joke is up for a good time but sometimes has an egotistical attitude that hinders social interactions. Common stereotypes for jocks are fading as men's fashion slowly caters to their simple, tight haircuts or long locks and straightforward clothing preferences that offer fashionable use with durability for active lifestyles.

The Meat Head

A bike enthusiast, tattoo extraordinaire, and deep-voiced bulky fellow who specializes in picking up girls with tattoos. Easily spotted in Ed Hardy patterns or stringy muscle-shirts. Despite their hunky exterior, they have a soft, loving, creative side that can be tapped into with a little time.

The Meat Head, no matter his size, needs to fit a stereotype that kind of rides bikes, might have tattoos, probably enjoys ribs, wings, and massive burgers, and might carry heat. Usually found talking about fights, WWE, and what he'd do to gang members.

The Hood Rat

Don't let the style deceive you. Hood Rats aren't up to no good. They're rebellious, but friendly skater kids looking shred the gnar, smoke some doobies, and blow dope clouds with their vape buds. Vintage, well-worn, clothing was likely bought that way or personally styled rather than authentically worn out. If they don't wear Vans, they are posers.

While they can easily be mistaken for individuals from actual low-income areas who may be having a really hard time, or a homeless person, Hood Rats can usually be distinguished by their name brand tags, and up-to-date style. In addition, they are often found in skinny jeans, with the latest iPhone, and a hoodie, talking about getting pizza on their next road trip.

If you know a guy that fits one of these stereotypes, share this article with them to help them become more aware of their role and potential in society. I shared this myself because I'm literally living stereotypical chameleon and the only thing I don't wear is Ed Hardy and Argyle.

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