Homecoming is a great time where school spirit is at an all time high. There are plenty of cocktail parties, easy classes, and most importantly football. There is also the nuisance that is the royalty crowning, specifically the voting part. Unless a good friend of mine was running for something, more times than not I could not have cared less who won King/Queen, and I'm sure a good chunk of the campus feels the same way. Here is your guide to best enjoy the good parts of homecoming and avoid the bad part. Many of these strategies work on regular weeks for all the pamphlet pushers as well. Form good class habits.
Just blow off class for a week: This is my personal favorite. You cannot be solicited on campus by queen hopefuls if you don't go on campus the whole week. I may or may not have used this method at one point(s). Just stay at the pool all day, and enjoy the finer parts of homecoming week. This is risky if your professor doesn't care about homecoming and treats it like every other week. Math and Science professors tend to do this. All in all it's a rock solid strategy.
Make your own Beats By Dre commercial: If skipping is not an option, it's time to invest in a very large pair of beats headphones and a very large pair of Raybans. For the headphones, I would recommend the most flamboyant color selection as possible. Really make it very visible to anyone who might try to approach you. You don't have to actually listen to anything or have them attached to any device, but these are essential. The perfect complement to this is the largest pair of Raybans you can find. Eye contact is the #1 ingredient for a stranger to try to engage you in conversation, so it is absolutely critical to deny them of that. Rock these two items on campus and you will be waltzing to class like a bigger boss than Daniel Tosh.
Never ever ever go near the union or rotunda: I can't think of a single time in my entire GSU career where I was glad that I passed the rotunda on the way to class. This is especially true this week. I did a lot of walking from IT to Math/Physics which is an absolute death trap if you go on the pedestrian, but there are alternate routes. On the map below I highlighted my personal favorite. It's not really out of the way at all, and you avoid the IT-COBA/Lakeside/Russell traps (shown with red circles) like a champion.
Find obscure building entrances/exits: Going in the main entrance to any class building is a great way to get cornered. Especially at IT and COBA. There are always alternates. Locate them in advance and just get in a habit of using them regularly. You will dodge bake sales, pamphlet pushers, and the rest on the regular.
Do your best Tony Stark impression: When all else fails...... Say these magic words.....