"If ever there is ever a tomorrow when we're not together there is something you must always remember, you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is even if we are apart i'll always be with you." -Winnie the Pooh
I was blessed in life with not only one, but two sisters. They are annoying and aggravating and always driving me crazy. But I couldn't ask for better sisters than them.
They are always there for me when I have a problem or just simply want to rant for an hour. They encourage me and support me. They make me laugh until I cant breathe at all the ridiculous things they say and do.
My older sister has blessed me with the most amazing three nephews a girl could ask for. She has given me the gift of being their aunt and it is my favorite thing in the world to be.
My little sister has started to become my best friend, someone I can always count on. She sticks up for me when most people wont.
A sister is a friend that I will never lose. We fight, argue, and half the time are giving each other the silent treatment. But we always turn around a few hours (or days) later and have something important that we must share.
We fight more than any people on the planet, but we love just as much.
I will always be your right hand, and be there in need. I will cheer you on and be your biggest fan. I will lift you up when your spirits are low, and make you laugh in the midst of tears. I will stand next to you when the world is against you. I promise to always be your best friend.
No matter where life takes us, I know I will always be able to trust in our friendship. I hope you always choose to chase your dreams no matter how big or small. The world is yours to take and if you need help, i'll be right there when you turn around.
Whether you need me to stick up for you or simply be your shoulder to cry on, you can count me in.
I look forward to our future adventures and endeavors. (I also look forward to more nephews and nieces, and I better be someones Maid of Honor, I'm just saying ;-))
Thank you for being my best friends, and thank you for loving me even when I am the 'worst sister ever' cause I know I have heard that one on an occasion or two.
Because I have a sister, I will always have a friend.