25 Little Things That Make Me Happy
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25 Little Things That Make Me Happy

Life's beautiful moments are made up of the small things

25 Little Things That Make Me Happy

There seems to be so much negativity going on in today's world that sometimes it's hard to notice the good things. I have noticed lately that I worry, and I let negativity get the best of me at the worst of times. This made me think of the things I find complete and utter joy in. I figured I would write down a few simple joys in my life, both the big and the small. Sometimes it's the smallest, almost unnoticeable things that bring us the most joy. We need to make sure we hold onto these and cherish them every single day.

1. My yellow lab

My perfect little furry boy came into my life around ten years ago and he has been the fluffiest little blessing yet.

2. Giraffes

These are my favorite animal EVER. They're the cutest and if you're ever having a bad day look up "giraffes drinking water". I promise that your day will be 100x better!

3. Dancing

I am probably the worst dancer there ever was but who cares? It makes me happier during rough times. Everyone needs to dance it out like Meredith and Cristina here and there.

4. Pinterest

I am addicted. I have pretty much my whole future house decorated, backyard set-up, and future wedding all pinned thanks to this beautiful website. I suck at being artsy on my own so this website is the best thing to look at for pure artistic beauty that I couldn't create myself.

5. Weddings

I have only ever been to one when I was like 6 years old and a flower girl but it kicked off my addiction. I love Four Weddings and Say Yes to the Dress... I need a wedding so if ya know about any happening soon, let me know!

6. Sunsets

Sitting in the nice warm weather watching the sky turn every shade of color in the rainbow is honestly all a person needs to take in to feel calm and at peace.

7. Music

There's music nowadays for every emotion and feeling you can have. You're happy? You're sad? You're stressed? There's a song you can relate to for all of these and it's the easiest relaxation technique I have experienced to this day. Sometimes all it takes to make you feel better is to hear that someone else is going through, or has gone through it as well.

8. Soft blankets and pillows

How could soft things not make you just effortlessly happy?

9. Flowers

Real or fake, they make me feel a certain kind of way.

10. Face-timing my aunt

The woman never fails to brighten my day and make me laugh. Whenever I need a pick me up I give her a call and she knows exactly what to say.

11. Talking to my parents

My absolute best friends. They bring me so much happiness and it's only as I continue to get older that I realize how important to me and my life they truly are.

12. Spending time with my sisters

They can be pains in my butt but there is never a doubt in my mind that they bring my life the utmost joy.

13. Tight hugs

Bear hugs make me so happy. You feel loved and wanted and never want to be let go.

14. Symmetry

What more do I need to say? Symmetry makes me and my eyeballs ver happy.

15. Old couples

I see these old couples walking hand in hand in the grocery store and it gives me hope. Regardless of the bad things going on in this world today seeing an endless love such as this makes me happy. Love exists and it can work when the effort is put in.

16. Baby giggles

If someone doesn't like baby giggles then there is something seriously wrong with them. Hearing that full belly giggle is contagious and is enough to bring joy to anyone's day.

17. A long, hot shower

After a long day, taking a long, hot shower is just what you need to wash off the hardships and negativity of the past day and to kind of clean the slate. Plus nothing helps get a good night sleep like a nice hot shower with some lavender soup.

18. Stargazing

Looking out and knowing there are billions of stars is one of the most humbling things to experience. Sometimes going out and looking into the sky is enough to put your life into perspective and relax.

19. Making other people smile a true smile

People's smiles are so attractive, a true genuine smile goes a long way and is very contagious. There aren't many things that are more beautiful than someone being so effortlessly happy that they can't help but smile that smile.

20. Finishing a checklist

Being productive never fails at making me happy.

21. Listening to the rain hit the window

Laying in bed listening to the rain, I don't know what could be more relaxing.

22. Watching clouds form into interesting shapes

This brings me back to the good ole days of being a kid and laying outside on the grass looking up at the sky. I always won when it came to who could find the highest number of animals!

23. Wearing your favorite t-shirt

Need a say more? I am happiest when I look like a mess!

24. The feeling you get after a good workout

Best feeling in the world, nothing makes me happier.

25. Hearing the words, "I love you"

Who would have known that three words could have the power to change a person's whole day and even life.

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