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Student Life

27 Little Changes To Everyday Life That, In Turn, Give You Life

Because college is tough, but living a boring, drained life is even sadder.

27 Little Changes To Everyday Life That, In Turn, Give You Life
Ellie Rose

You're dragging. It's a Tuesday morning, you've already skipped your 9 a.m., missed breakfast, and rushed out the door for the next sequence of events in the day. But what now? You're a jumbled mess pumped full of coffee and you feel no desire to take on the perfect day ahead of you. If you find yourself in this position, looking for a way to give your life that extra ounce of motivation, keep reading.

1. Wake up earlier

Okay, so sometimes you really just cannot get out of bed and you do miss that 8 or 9 a.m. class, and you know what, it's completely fine. But a change you can make is one that takes the one missed class and learns what needs to be done to have more energy for the next time that 8 or 9 a.m. rolls around. Set your alarm clock at 7 if you have class at 8 because giving yourself the extra ounce of energy through a shower, cup of coffee/breakfast, or even time for an episode of your favorite Netflix binge of the month, will make all of the difference.

2. Arrive early to class

Now I cannot honestly say that I am one who frequently does this, HOWEVER, I am an advocate for it! Not only do you register the right to the best seat(s), you also feel accomplished, and your professor may even notice you, in turn helping your overall grade.

3. Drink a caffeinated beverage

I understand this one isn't for everyone, literally and health wise, however if drinking a cup of coffee or warm tea each morning will help you muster the courage to take on a long, long day on campus, then do it! Sometimes the smell of fresh coffee grounds is enough to wake up your sleeping mind and prepare you for a grueling day of academics.

4. Plan a lunch date with friends

No one is asking you to clear an hour every day to have a meal with friends, but trust me, once or twice a week, you should! Eating alone, while therapeutic, can also be rather lonely. Sometimes you just need human interaction with a friend or group of friends to help clear your mind and set you on the right path to finish the day.

5. Carry a reusable water bottle

This was a big one for me, personally, because I am ALWAYS dehydrated. Why? Because I never had the portable and reusable water bottle to take from class to class. It was this semester that I decided to invest in a CamelBak water bottle, and now I find myself going through 2-3 bottles during my day time activities. I don't know if it's the aesthetic or the portability, either way, I am feeling less sluggish and tired, and I feel great!

6. Plan your week AHEAD of time

Finding time within the week to plan events, coordinate homework assignments/club meetings/etc., and find personal relaxation time, can be tiring in itself. Instead, try planning the Sunday before your busy week. All it takes is a computer, cell phone, or planner, and you're all set to be organized and ready to take on the next week.

7. Eat (somewhat) healthy

Maintaining a healthy diet in college can be extremely difficult. If you're like me and on a dining plan that involves multiple unhealthy opportunities in the form of swipes and points, then I understand. You know you should have the salad, but the pizza just looks so mouthwatering yummy. But it is possible to maintain a healthy balance between the indulgent dining hall grub and the somewhat less rewarding salad with fat free dressing. So if you know you are going to eat a dinner with friends, try eating a light salad for lunch, so you can indulge at dinner with your pals!

8. Go to the gym (or at least walk)

Going to the gym is one of the most difficult tasks to accomplish in college life, but it doesn't have to be. Dedicating an hour to popping in to the gym to work out will provide you with motivation and self reassurance. I always feel ready to take on not only a meal, but the rest of the day.

9. Keep snacks/drinks in your room

Once again, for all of my "dormies", it is hard to maintain the healthy eating balance in college. However, one way I have found to keep myself full and content all day long, is to purchase semi-healthy items for my refrigerator and pantry area. A couple things I keep fully stocked are hummus, salsa, cheese cubes, and crackers. I always find myself longing for a snack late at night, and instead of ordering a greasy calzone, I can just reach into my pantry and find something just as filling.

10. Plan your outfits in advance

Planning time for each aspect of the getting ready process can be an algebraic equation in itself, but it doesn't have to be! Instead of rushing to find pants, a top, and shoes in a 30 second time crunch, dedicate a few minutes each evening to picking out your outfit for the following day. Your crazy, mismatched outfit will thank you later.

11. Keep a fully stocked "smell goods" section

Although you are not "allowed" to have candles in a college dorm room, there are other ways to keep your room smelling fresh. I personally love the Bath & Body Works wall plug ins. All you have to do is buy a couple scents, screw in one you like, and BAM your room has been transported to a pumpkin patch, meditation spa, or Santa's workshop. Also, when studying, it is super helpful to smell yummy scents!

12. Talk to someone on the phone

Between classes, walking can get pretty boring. I suggest phoning a friend, parent, or other family member whom you miss. Not only will it satisfy you to hear their voice, but you better believe that they are just as happy.

13. Get ahead on assignments

Reading a couple days ahead of the assigned reading, completing a quiz or online assignment, or even just researching a future topic for your final project, will put you one step ahead when it comes to time management. If you work ahead, you are offered more opportunities to meet people, join/be active in clubs, and keep up with plans and other commitments. I try to stay ahead on a few assignments a week so I have a relatively free weekend.

14. Travel off campus

If you're given the opportunity to travel off campus, I recommend fully! Even if it's just to the local grocery store or town favorite pub or grille, it is a nice break from campus life and the same faces you see every day.

15. Make time for TV/YouTube/social media

While not a wise thing to let take over your life, you should give yourself time to scroll the realm of social media and catch up on your latest YouTube subscriptions (it is for your sanity after all).

16. Actively do your laundry

Not only will your room thank you for the removal of gross stenches, it will also award you a feeling of accomplishment to have your laundry done each week. Along with that, make sure you are doing your laundry on a regular basis, because the only thing worse than not having anything to wear is realizing that it is all in the dirty laundry.

17. Have "real" plants

Anything from a small succulent to a towering indoor plant can brighten your day. Watering your plant also helps you keep a schedule and is the best kind of happiness!

18. Wash your dishes FREQUENTLY

Sometimes washing your dishes is the last thing you want to do. It involves loading up the dishes, carrying them to the community bathroom, and scrubbing for minutes on one bowl of oatmeal that just won't budge. While an extremely tedious chore, it is one that MUST be done to keep eating, so just do it frequently. You'll be happier because of it, I promise.

19. Regularly change your loofa, toothbrush, and other personal health items

Although this seems like a given, sometimes people need to be told that changing out these items is something that is necessary for proper personal hygiene. Plus these are the cheapest items you need to rotate, so just do it people!

20. Stop comparing yourself to online influencers

This one's important because it is something most of us deal with. We focus too harshly on those individuals who hold an influential role on social media platforms, and their lifestyle choices. Instead of focusing on what "so and so" was eating, wearing, or doing, put more thought into what you are eating, wearing, and doing. To feel better, try to plan meals you enjoy, find outfits tailored to your preferences, and focus on choices you are making in your own life.

21. Clean your room

I love this one because any teenage girl or boy knows the typical "get ready". It entails trying on five outfits and throwing every failed outfit to the floor, instead of the closet where you previously got it. While I realize it isn't always feasible to ask to hang it all back up before rushing out of your door, just at least try picking it up when you return home. Cleaning your room can provide a relief that is pertinent to not only you, but also your roommate.

Remember that while sometimes these tips are hard to do in the life of an always-busy college student, they are simple and effective changes that can provide a sense of accomplishment, thus "giving you life." Just try a couple of these easy tips and you are on your way to a great GPA, social atmosphere, and healthier/happier you.

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