Lauren Ellie Rose on Odyssey Lauren Ellie Rose
Lauren Ellie Rose

Lauren Ellie Rose

Username: Lauren_Ellie_Rose

Joined in June 2018


    Hi everyone! I am Ellie Rose and I am currently a freshman at Ohio University. I will be pursuing a degree in journalism, and I hope to work in the field of print news or reporting. I'm super excited to be a woman in this always changing workforce.

    A little about me: I love fitness, politics, social issues, and music. My favorite movies are comedies, but I love binge worthy dramas on Netflix and Hulu. I'm a huge animal lover and I love my furry pal, Mac! I consider myself well versed in good music, too. I love alternative bands like Rainbow Kitten Surprise and Foster the People. I also think of myself as a foodie ;) I love trying new things and experiencing new cultures.

    I am so excited to be a part of the Ohio University Odyssey family.

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