Am I even a college student? Well, according to my tuition bill, yes, yes I am. Believe it or not, it is possible to survive without a Twitter in this day in age. There’s still Facebook and Instagram after all. I’m not that secluded from society, guys. I spend enough time on social media, and I don’t need a Twitter to make me even more addicted to my phone. Plus, I don’t have to worry about making a puny Twitter handle or even tweeting at all.
I feel a bit behind the curve, I’m not going to lie. When people are like, “’Favorite my tweet!’” I’m the person who asks, “What was it?” and never gets a response. Even better is when people ask, “‘Did you see this on Twitter?’”. Of course you didn’t! Then they give you that pity look as if you’re really missing out on something. It’s ok, I know I’m not, and if I am, oh well. There’re worse things that could happen in the world than missing out on a funny tweet.
Most people I know are on Twitter, even my mom. It’s sad that she knows about things happening on my campus before I do… and I live here. Ok, so maybe that’s a downside of being Twitterless. Maybe that’s a sign that it’s time to get a Twitter, but I’m surviving just fine without one. Contrary to popular belief, there are other ways to find out about events and news other than through a Twitter news feed. There are these things called bulletins, and clubs post information on them. Crazy right?!? Who knew? Emails are also extremely helpful. I don’t know how people live without them. They really are my lifeline to all things school-related. Without them, I’d be clueless.
So not having a Twitter can be done, and there are plenty of people who can say the same. Eventually, maybe I’ll get a Twitter. Probably by the time I decide to get an account, though, it won’t be popular anymore. Not surprising at all.