The Life Of An Average College Girl, As Told By 'SpongeBob SquarePants'
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The Life Of An Average College Girl, As Told By 'SpongeBob SquarePants'

Really though, there's a SpongeBob reference for everything.

The Life Of An Average College Girl, As Told By 'SpongeBob SquarePants'

"SpongeBob SquarePants" was my favorite cartoon growing up by far, and it remains my favorite cartoon of all time today. He's the only thing I miss about having access to cable TV 24/7. I only appreciate the show more and more the older I get -- it was funny as a kid, but it's becoming funny in a different way as I catch the older jokes I missed as a kid (and realize that I'm TRULY Squidward).

Life as a college girl is truly a struggle, but at least I know I'm never alone because SpongeBob is right here struggling with me.

1. When you're sitting in class bored as heck and start to let your mind wander

Sometimes my train of thought goes so off track, because I have to use my ~imagination~ to make it through lecture.

2. When you and your BFF go to different colleges and finally get to see each other again

There's nothing better than finally being reunited with the Patrick to your Spongebob. <3

3. When you've been binging Netflix and you're too lazy to get the remote to press "yes" on the "Are you still watching?" screen


4. When you have to walk across campus during the winter but your leggings aren't thick enough to keep your warm

I don't care how cold it gets, I REFUSE to cave and wear jeans. I will suffer in these super thin black leggings, thank you very much.

5. When you're burning up in your apartment at the beginning of fall semester but you're too cheap to turn on the AC

I'd apologize to all of my guests for the heat, but I'm not sorry about how much I'm saving on my energy bill by BOILING MYSELF ALIVE.

6. When you're trying to eat healthier, but you just can't beat those cravings...

This GIF is especially accurate for me specifically, because I am a sucker for anything chocolate chip, especially the cookies.

7. When your boyfriend is grouchy and tired of you, but you just want to shower him in affection

Look pal, you can hate me all you want, but I'm gonna love you whether you like it or not.

8. When you're at work just trying to make money to pay your bills and ALL of the creepy old men are up in your business

This is my customer service face!!! And my customer service voice!!! I don't actually like you!!!! Please leave me alone!!!

9. When you've been busy all week and realize your room has become a literal trash heap

It's Sunday, you had a tornado of a week, and you're preparing for the next one. You've gotta take advantage of your one momentary spurt of motivation to do ALL OF THE CLEANING at once, or else it won't get done until next week.

10. When your roommate(s) go home for the weekend but you hear noises coming from outside of your room

I am too small and too scared to defend myself from any murderers. This is how I go, cowering under my blankets.

11. When your friend gets a cryptic text from the boy she likes and you're both trying to decipher what he meant

Boys are puzzles. It takes the utmost focus to understand them.

12. Trying to talk yourself through that complicated problem that you totally should have paid attention to in class

This is an actual depiction of me trying to write out a cash flows statement when the company just HAD to make so many significant non-cash transactions. #JustAccountingMajorThings

13. When you've neglected to do any #selfcare since the beginning of the semester and you finally take a good look at yourself in the mirror

I haven't had a pedicure in years, my nail polish is chipping, I'm breaking out, my hair is frizzy, and my muffin top is coming back... Sometimes the semester just hits you HARD.

14. Literally any time your boyfriend so much as looks at you wrong, much less raises his voice at you


15. Getting your first exam grade back and realizing you're gonna have to repeat the class (which is totally an overreaction because it's the first exam, but we're dramatic so it's fine)

I have to mourn over my own stupidity for at least a week, thank you, no further questions.

16. When you finally get a lash fill/get a new tube of your fav mascara

My lashes are now so long that I could FLY AWAY from you peasants with them.

17. After doing 10 squats at the gym

Is my butt the size of Venus yet?

18. Getting to the end of spring semester and realizing you're definitely not ready for summer

At some point my summer bod turned into a cookie bod, I'm pale af because I couldn't afford to keep paying my tanning membership (thanks bills), and the dark circles under my eyes look like black paint. Oh well, at least people will be able to look at me and say "Yep, definitely a college girl."

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