Background info: In this book Harry potter, a young wizard believes that his parents friend was responsible for their murder. But this turns out to be false once Harry learns that Sirius was framed. With help from his teachers and friends Harry succeeds in helping Sirius black find the real person responsible for the murder of his parents. Their are many adventures in this novel and HArry gets through them with his bravery and with the help of others.
Never Judge Someone Until You Meet Them
GiphyHarry spent the whole book thinking that Sirius Black was out to get him, until he met him and found out he wasn't bad. Page: 317 ¨Yes I have', said Harry brightly. 'He was my mum and dads best friend. He's a convicted murderer, but he's broken out of wizard prison and he's on the run. He likes to keep in touch with me, though...keep up with my news...check i'm happy…¨
You Can Choose Your Own Path/Future
GiphyEarly in the book professor Trelawney told Harry he had a very dark future incoming and that he would die soon, but he didn't. This shows that you don't have to listen to what people say, you can choose your own path. Page: 83 ¨My Dear boy, it is an omen - the worst omen - of death!¨
Courage Can Sometimes Outweigh Skills Or Smarts
GiphyHarry shows that his lack of technical skills in magic don't weigh him down because of his surplus of courage and bravery that always seem to help him succeed. Page: 27 ¨They didn't die in a car crash!¨ He was standing up for himself.
True Friends Are Always There For You
GiphyHarry's friends are always there for him when they need him, for example Ron was prepared to give his life to protect Harry from Sirius Black when they thought he wanted to kill him. Page:249 ¨Ron, However, spoke to Black, ´If you want to kill Harry, you'll have to kill us, too´¨
An Illness Does Not Define You
GiphyProfessor Lupin was secretly a werewolf but that didn't change who he was and how good of a person he was. Page: 267 ¨I have not been helping Sirius get into the castle and I certainly don't want Harry dead. But I won't deny that i'm a werewolf¨.
There Are Flaws In The Justice System
GiphySirius Black was accused and convicted of crimes he did not commit which shows that not everyone convicted actually did what people say they did. Page: 59 Why would I go looking for someone I know wants to kill me?¨
Always Try Your Best To Succeed With Your Circumstances
GiphyHarry Potter is constantly thrown into circumstances beyond his control but always seems to make it through them because of his courage. Page: 60 ¨I don't go looking for trouble, said Harry, nettled, trouble usually finds me¨
In Dark Times Try And Find The LIght
GiphyDumbledore helps Harry through his dark time by telling him to try and find his light to find his way out. Page: ¨Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if only one remembers to turn on the light¨.
Lost Loved Ones Will Always Be With You
GiphyWhen Harry says he sees his dad and dumbledore tells him that loved ones will always be there in your heart to help you in hard times. Page: 297 ¨ I think it was my dad¨
Trust Your Teachers
GiphyProfessor Lupin and Dumbledore assist Harry throughout the book, Lupin helps harry learn the patronus charm and Dumbledore tells him how to save Sirius Black. Page: 141 ¨ Well alright. Ill try and help¨