Life At GW Explained By Jennifer Lawrence
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Life At GW Explained By Jennifer Lawrence

She's so relatable it's like she is a actually a fellow colonial

Life At GW Explained By Jennifer Lawrence

We can all agree that Jennifer Lawrence reaction gifs can be inserted into practically any situation at any point in time. This rings especially true when it comes to our everyday campus occurrences here in DC at GW:

1. When you roll up to Deli, only to realize its Sunday, and they are closed.

2. Actually liking when the government shuts down because it will probably mean less school work.

3. When you realize your class is on the vern.

3. Getting on the vex the morning after a night out, and only being able to focus on overcoming your nausea.

4. Getting dirty looks for going into HelWel in a dress, getting an açai bowl, and running out before you even have the chance to see a treadmill.

5. Dealing with how bad housing is (when fire alarms and gas leaks becoming normal events).

6. Running on the National Mall and subconsciously racing every other GW student you see down there.

7. Going to Shadow, and losing your friends immediately after you walk in. Every. Single. Weekend.

8. When political conversations come up at every party, but you're 100% ok with that and get really into it.

9. When the best part of the night is ubering to Adams Morgan and getting Jumbo Slice.

10. Getting woken up at 7 am by the sounds of morning rush hour and street performers by the subway coming in through your window.

11. Trying to get across the street before the motorcade comes, but almost getting hit by a car.

12. Dealing with tourists doing annoying things, such as taking pictures with the George Washington statue in Kogan calling him "Thomas Edison".

13. Everyone is a type A person, or becomes a type A person by graduation.

14. When you try wearing heels to your internship on Friday morning, but you have blisters on your feet from dancing too much, and thinking it was a good idea to walk to Crepeaway the night before.

15. When you see famous figures like Malia Obama and Prince William on campus.

16. When you walk out of Professor Foster's Economics Class.

17. When you compare yourself to Georgetown and American.

18. When your inner nerd gets really excited when you hear about yet ANOTHER internship opportunity or ANOTHER noteworthy agency near campus.

19. Waiting in the lines going onto the sidewalks for Sweet Green, Roti, and Beefsteak during the lunch rush.

20. Loving living in the Foggy Bottom bubble because you can pretend your a city slicker, but its safe enough that you can maintain your "betchy" ways.

21. When you want to uber to class in the winter because its too cold, but there are surge charges because its snowing.

22. Walking to brunch with your friends on Tuesday morning in your cute outfit, and seeing sad, old, tired professionals walking down the street on their coffee break and being so happy that you're not them.

23. But then they see you in last nights outfit walking back to your door at 8 am on a Friday morning and avoid any eye contact.

24. Getting down to the metro and seeing that the red line is shut down, the blue line is having major delays, and the silver line is working fine-- but 13 minutes away from the station.

25. You're always happy, busy, and know GW is the perfect place for you.

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