An Open Letter To The President
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An Open Letter To The President

I have a few things to tell you.

An Open Letter To The President
Dominick Reuter

Dear Mr. President,

You don't know me. You will never know me. You may never even read this. But there is something I want to tell you. I have been watching the news, the "fake" ones and the "real" ones and I can honestly say that I am absolutely appalled at the way that you have been handling this country as POTUS.

Does one person's word necessarily affect you in any way shape or form? Not really. At shouldn't. But for some reason, you don't like when anyone opposes you or criticises you, real or fake news. No matter where it comes from, you seem to think that you absolutely perfect. I hate to break it to you, but you're not. No one is. That was the number one rule that kids are taught on their first day of daycare, so I guess some of us just missed the learning curve.

I heard just this morning that you think that media outlets who spread fake news should be held accountable, but tell me Mr. President, WHAT fake news? If you think everything they've been saying about you is falsified or fake, isn't that a good warning sign that you maybe are not as perfect as you think you are? Maybe, you act without thinking, and then when it's played back to you, you realize how crazy it sounds and denies, denies, and denies. Or maybe, you just don't care. Which is worse?

I've heard a lot of talk about the DACA program and how you plan on ending it for dreamers. I understand your want for taking people that are illegally here out of the country, but you shouldn't have started with the dreamers because, in all honesty, they're pretty much legal. These children whose lives are about to change? They have social security numbers and they go to school here. They had no choice in coming to the states and staying, but somehow you found a way to blame them for something their parents did for them in order to protect them.

You understand that, right Mr. President? The idea of doing everything in your power to make sure that your kids have a good life? You understand how much work and time and effort goes into raising children? Ah, of course not. These kids range from elementary to college and they've adapted to the culture here in the US because it is the only culture that these kids have come to know!

I'm sure you also understand what that is that is like.... getting kicked out of the one place you call home? I mean, isn't that why you made such a big deal about now wanting to live in the white house 24/7? Did you read the job description before you applied, sir?

The last thing I wanted to talk to you about was North Korea. You know that place right? You've been in a brawl with them ever since you have stepped into the presidency. There has been a lot of talk about how North Korea does not have the nuclear capability to reach the US mainland so all of us here are safe... but Mr. President, did the colonists have what it took to break away from Great Britain even though they may have been laughed at and not taken seriously? Yes, they did.

People surprise you. All you seem to be doing is playing Russian roulette, and the best you've placed is on American Citizen lives. I know what the next argument against this will be; the idea that anything coming for us will be blown out of the sky before it has a chance. Can you guarantee that Mr. President? Can you guarantee that all of us will be safe?

If a nuclear weapon is soaring through the sky, you're just going to blow it up? It's nuclear, sir. Radiation would still be detrimental to those on the ground so even though the explosion would not kill them, the radiation sure would. But that's okay, right? I'm sure Trump Tower would be more than willing to allow anyone affected by these disasters to come stay away from harm.

I'm about to tell you something every single child has been told since the beginning of time, think before you speak sir. Think before you act. Use your brain. Treat others the way you want to be treated. It's very simple.


A pissed off citizen.

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