10 Reasons You're Lara Jean from "to all the boys I've loved before."
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10 Ways You Are Literally Lara Jean From 'To All The Boys I've Loved Before'

In the spirit of TATBILB officially, officially getting a sequel here is a little bit more of Lara Jean Covey to get you in the spirit!

10 Ways You Are Literally Lara Jean From 'To All The Boys I've Loved Before'

Warning you now, we are about to head into some spoilers. So if you have not seen the movie (watch it since it has been out a fat minute) do not A. Complain about the spoilers or B. Read if you are expecting a spoiler-free read.

You romanticize everything.

Opening scene...


When the movie opens Lara Jean is dreaming about her neighbor/best friend/sisters ex-boyfriend meeting her in the "forest of desire." She is basically living out a bodice ripper scene but in less pervy detail. Then there is the whole field or garden of desire. After she goes into how she "fell in love" with the boys its pretty clear that Lara tends to jump the gun when it comes to those she is interested in.

I myself can attest to doing that as well. I mean sometimes being nice and funny are just characteristics of an amazing human and other times in my mind...well it just makes me love you. Not in an obsessive 'I am going to write love letters to you' way just in a split second daydream about a fake life together sort of way. Completely normal right....? Well if you are like me and do this then you are one step closer to being a Lara Jean.

You have a favorite scrunchie.

Lara Giving Peter her Favorite Scrunchies


You love scrunchies! Scrunchies are fashionable and extremely bulky like me. They hold up all of my thick hair and will never break or snap on you at purely unreasonable moments. Can we just take a moment to enjoy the fact that Peter had no problem putting this gorgeous girly scrunch on his arm at a high school party?


We love!

You are obsessed with 80s' John Hughes films.

Copying one of the intro shots from sixteen candles


If you are not a fan of John Hughes movies you can see your way out of my life right now! John Hughes is the master of the 80s and I may argue the romantic comedy/high school movie. While we love him, honestly, his movies gave me and Lara Jean a very unrealistic view of both high school, romance, and the bad boy. I mean what boy likes to walk about with his hand in your pocket? Also what boy wants you to give him one of your diamond earrings? Then what jock boy finally sees the strange basket girl as the one that he wants? Also in the real world, I am pretty sure that we wouldn't end up with Jake. We all probably end up with a Ducky.

Thanks for the movies John but wish some of the life advice aside from the fact that "we're all pretty bizarre" was a little better.

You can rock some combat boots.

Lara Jean Covey waiting for the rude chick to stop harassing her gorgeous boots....


It cannot be unheard of to say that Lara has style! Her outfits range from the 90s, 80s, and early 2000s while having a bit of the modern. She rocks the vintage and brings it into today. While we may try to aspire to have her flare...well we try right? If you can hardcore get down to rocking some combat boots you are a Lara Jean for sure! Also, your love for vintage and past culture makes you a bit like her too!

You can't keep your room straight.


This is a very tame mess by my standards but still her room is a mess nonetheless. Throughout the movie she basically gets messier and messier along with her life until she ultimately decides to clean them both. Also when you go to clean your room it seems to just get slightly messier until ultimately you sort of make sense of the madness.

You can't keep your life straight.


If you have had a freakout in a bathroom after gym class.

If your secret love letters have ever suddenly been sent out.

If your crush from the dance suddenly encounters you in the bathroom and says that he's gay and instantly seems to become your best friend over face masks and boy talk.

If you keep your nose in a book and out of reality.

Has one of the most popular boys in school suddenly developed a crush for you and you create a contract to fake date by fall massively in love with him?

Are you also slightly in love with your best friend or sisters ex-boyfriend?

If your room is a complete mess it must mean it resembles your life!

Honestly, Lara Jean Covey just can't seem to keep her life or room straight and neither can you.

You are extremely awkward in an adorable way. 


How do you eat baby carrots silently? Honestly, most hard foods are loud so stop being so judgmental girl in a library. A little noise never hurt a serious reader.

That's beside the point. You tend to have a serious of awkward events known as your life occur. You fall or maybe you almost fall and catch yourself. Mostly though you fall. Maybe not off the roof in order to avoid your ex-best friend and sisters ex-boyfriend but her you sure fall.

You write down your feelings.


In addition to falling, you tend to fall head over heels. You fall so very hard that you simply need to write it all out otherwise the blob of your spoken words will just mess the whole thing up. So you write write write and you feel oh so much better!

You are a grandma driver. 

We Heart It

Do you clutch the wheel promptly at 10 and 2? Do you take quick glances and still somehow manage to accidentally run over your past crush? Too specific? You are a sucky driver nontheless. Heck people feel better wearing a helmet when you are behind the wheel.

You are also secretly not-so-secretly-in-love with Noah Centineo... I mean, Peter Kavinsky.


Honestly, who isn't in love with Noah Centineo? I'll wait....can't tell me of anyone. I know because he is so very adorable! As Peter Kavinsky Noah seemed to steal our hearts as well as Lara's scrunchie.

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