Lactose Intolerant and Unafraid | The Odyssey Online
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Food Drink

Being Lactose Intolerant Doesn’t Stop Me From Living My Best Life

"I'll get a triple scoop please."

Being Lactose Intolerant Doesn’t Stop Me From Living My Best Life

"65 percent of the human population has a reduced ability to digest lactose after infancy." Lactose intolerance is something that over 90% of East Asians have to live with. Why? Well, there are many theories and scientific studies, but this article is not about that.

Many of my non-lactose intolerant friends see lactose intolerance as some sort of disability.

"Wait so, you've never had ice cream? A milkshake? or a warm glass of milk?"

Yes, I have.

"So, do you get explosive diarrhea?"

Why do I need to tell you this?

Listen, all I'm saying is if you know your friend is lactose intolerant, mind your business when you see them enjoying their dairy treat.

You see, I am an ice cream enthusiast. I am constantly looking for new ice cream shops in the hidden corners of Los Angeles and beyond. As of now, my favorite place has been Atticus Creamery and Pies in Westwood. As a 626 (San Gabriel Valley) Native, I have been exposed to all if not most boba (or bubble tea, whichever you prefer) shops. As of now, my favorite Milk Tea is from Gong cha. I am also a great appreciator of milkshakes, yogurt, cheesecake, and basically anything that's a dairy dessert.

But...doesn't that mean you have to go number 2 all the time?

Well luckily, there are products like Lactaid available which enables people with lactose intolerance to happily consume their dairy treats. PLUS, in today's age, it's not hard to find dairy alternatives like oat milk, soy milk, almond milk, and etc. If you're a risk-taker like me, you'll find that some dairy products don't affect you at all!

So no, we don't just neglect our health. We just care about our happiness more.

But most of all, it is none of your concern, so stop asking me about my stool quality.

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