Justin Bieber is loved by so many, ranging from the little to the big. He has a huge fan base and has many fans that stuck with him through his very rebellious stage. Many people know that Justin’s mother raised him Christian. Looking at his life in the spotlight, it doesn’t seem that he really followed his mother’s teaching, and he even said that his relationship with his mother was “non-existent” during that time.
Recently, however, Justin has been proclaiming this faith, saying that he's starting anew. I've never been a giant fan of Justin. I always thought that he was a bad role model, because he was very rebellious and his songs aren't the best. Yes, they're catchy and they aren’t the worst songs out there, but, many of them glorify things that Christians shouldn’t glorify. What sparked my interest in this young pop star is his recent claims about his faith and the fact that Lecrae, a rapper who’s a Christian, is being featured in one of Justin’s new songs. The leak, released April 1, was about four minutes long and was the background music for the song. Because it’s been a week and there isn’t anything saying that this was an Aprils Fools' joke, there's a good chance that this leak is real. Which leaves me asking, is Justin really turning over a new leaf?
On October 17, 2015, Justin appeared on the Zach Sang Show for an interview. He spoke about his religion, and what he said really surprised me. He spoke about something that, being a Christian myself, I feel strongly about. It was the fact that many Christians in today’s society think that going to church every Sunday and doing Christian things is what makes you a Christian. When, really, it’s not. Justin brought this up and it took me off guard. His whole interview reminded me of someone who's rediscovering their faith and is really keen on trying change and having a better relationship with God. This interview made me think about what’s going on in that pop star’s head. I wish I could speak to him, not because he’s famous, not because he’s in the spotlight, but because I want to know how he’s changing and what he’s doing to change. I want to know if he genuinely loves God, like he’s saying he does.
He has many many quotes on his faith:
“So all this healing that you’re trying to do, it’s unnecessary. We have the greatest healer of all and his name is Jesus Christ. And he really heals. This is it. It’s time that we all share our voice. Whatever you believe. Share it. I’m at a point where I’m not going to hold this in.”
“If we can understand that we’re all imperfect, let’s come to God and come for His help.”
“I love talking about my faith.”
“What Jesus did when he came to the Cross was basically say ‘You don’t have to feel any of that stuff.’ We could take away all of the hurt, all the pain, all the fear, all the trauma. That doesn’t need to be there.”
These are just a few of his quotes, and these quotes are powerful. They have a lot of meaning and truth in them. I was really surprised, and I really want to know if this pop star, who I never really liked because of the way he acted, is actually trying.
In order to do my full research, I listened to his new album, "Purpose." I was very surprised to find that at the end of a few of his songs, he mentions God, and how amazing He is and what He has done in his life. I really do want to believe that the pop star, who is in the spotlight for secular music, is really changing and trying to live more like Christ, but in all honesty, until I see his actions match what he’s saying, I don’t think I can.
I think that Justin's trying to become a better Christian, I think that he's trying to rediscover his faith, but I think that the music industry is preventing him. The way he’s living right now is not how Jesus would have lived. He says he wants to be more like Christ, but what I’m seeing from him, he isn’t. Yes, he has said some really good Christian things. He’s even said some things that my pastor has said, but he hasn’t acted upon those things.
Justin Bieber, a believer? My answer to this would be yes. From these interviews and what he says, you can tell he believes that there's a God. What I don’t believe is that Justin is someone who has figured out what being Christian really means. He understands the basics, but he hasn’t rediscovered his faith to the point that he's living like a true Christian.
After doing all this research and listening to the leak, I'm OK with having a little more respect for him. I’m not a fan, but I respect some of the things that he’s said. The inner battle of Satan and God is something that everyone struggles with, and some people choose God, others choose Satan, and others are torn between both. Justin has the potential to make a huge impact on society by actually acting more like Christ in the giant spotlight he has. I only pray that he takes this fame he has and actually acts like he's a Christian, and not just speak of it.