So I have heard of the show “The Bachelor” and “The Bachelorette” but have never actually watched it. The concept of the show just seemed unappealing and fake to me. Here’s a group of women/men who need to compete for “love.”
It doesn’t sound right. But this past week, I put aside my judgments and tried to give the show a chance. The Bachelorette for this season is Jojo Fletcher; I don’t know much about her except that she wasn’t chosen as Ben Higgins' wife last season. Ouch. But she seems to be handling herself well from what I’ve seen so far in the first two episodes. She seems like she has a good head on her shoulders and is really looking for that special someone.
In the first episode, all the men arrive to woo Jojo and blow her away with their passions and talents. Now don’t get me wrong, there are a lot of attractive men on this show (this season at least, haven’t seen any others to judge those), but those who act like total d-bags just become more and more unattractive. Right?
We would all think that if we saw it, especially on reality television! It’s easy for us to judge based on what is seen on “reality television,” but we don’t really know the people on a personal level. I’m sure there is a ray of “bad guys” and “bad girls” on each season, but who are we to judge? I’m sure they were told to act a certain way by producers, or the editing could have been manipulated to make something seem different than what actually happened. Either way, there are interesting characters on this show. Each guy tries to have one on one time with Jojo to persuade her into thinking he is the one and that their connection is real.
Although, there is one guy this season who is keeping it real and getting a lot of flack for it: Chad. Oh, Chad speak the truth my friend! He basically called out the other guys for already having a prepared monologue for what they would say to Jojo if they were to propose to her. Then again, it was part of game that they all were taking part in. It was supposed to be fun! For as much as he is being completely honest with everything and anything, I think there are ways of handling it differently. There’s no need to pick on other guys and call them all fake - you can make a point without crapping on everyone else. Also, instead of being aggressive, you can easily talk to someone as an adult and have a calm conversation. There’s no need to hit walls, touch, and provoke other people. Then again, Chad did reveal that he lost his mother about 6 months ago. That’s something that no one should have to go through - it's tough. Maybe he’s projecting his anger as a way of dealing with the loss? Who knows? All I know is that he is speaking the truth about certain things, but is doing so poorly. Jojo seems to like him, but you don’t have to be a bit of a jerk, to make a valid point. Check out this clip from the show: Begins at 1:05-1:09
My point is this guy said everything that I was thinking throughout the show. How can these people profess their love and already know that Jojo is the one if they don’t even know her on that level yet? She does seem like a nice girl, fun and goofy, however, how can you already say you strongly believe she’s the one without even having one on one time with her within the first hour of the show? Sure, some of the guys have seen her on the previous season or maybe know her from somewhere else, but the concept of professing love for someone I don’t know seems odd. I do not hate on anyone on this show; if they truly want to be there for love and are genuine about it, then go for it! However, from what the show is previewing for future episodes and from what I’ve heard from others, there have been a number of times that people on the show have lied about being in a relationship, or have been called out for being there for the wrong reasons. Yikes. Drama. Drama. Drama.
There have been couples from previous seasons who have truly fallen in love and now have families, so I guess it can be possible to find "true love" on reality T.V., but the majority of the couples break up or call it quits after their season comes to a close. For as much as I despised this show prior to watching it, I will say that it can be addicting and makes you want to watch it over and over again. I'm giving it a chance. Let's see where this goes. For those who do find love great, or for those who don’t, maybe try another reality T.V. show?