Is The Four Years And Thousands Of Dollars Really Worth It?
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Student Life

Is The Four Years And Thousands Of Dollars Really Worth It?

Is a four-year degree really the key to success?

Is The Four Years And Thousands Of Dollars Really Worth It?

As another school year comes to a close, some students find themselves contemplating the usual college student problems such as how to pay for the costs and keep up with their school work. Some even might be thinking about dropping out. College definitely has its benefits and drawbacks. One does not necessarily outweigh the other because it all depends on the situation at the end of the day. Here are the pros and cons of going to a four-year institution.


1. Potentially wasted time

College doesn't always make you smarter and college will not guarantee all of the things you were promised. It is time spending money instead of making it. College is time consuming with much time being devoted to responsibilities related to school. some people just detest school or don’t have the aptitude to do well in a college environment. The outdated standard academic structure for education is one that not every student thrives in. Some people don't need college to achieve their personal or professional goals So college isn't for everyone after all. Ironically enough, many college graduates are currently at jobs that do not require a college degree.

2. Price

This is perhaps the most common and best reason for not going to college.Tuition costs are skyrocketing as college graduates are burdened with astronomical student loan debt. The loan crisis is at an increasing rate with student loan debt over $1 trillion dollars. Is it really worth it when a staggering low percentage of students actually find work related to their major?

3. Value of university degree diminishing

Unfortunately, there are more people with college degrees than jobs available that actually require a degree. Too many people earning bachelor's degrees has diluted the value of one. Degrees are no longer a guarantee of a getting a job. Degrees are no longer a guarantee of a better pay. Depending on the type of degree, a college degree might not guarantee anything. An expensive college degree with little to no value is pretty much pointless. Maybe instead, invest the money you would have spent on your degree on going into business or using it to pursue a passion.

4. Limited real-world experience

College is essentially delaying the real world with four years of schoolwork. Too many kids are sold by the narrative that getting good grades to go to a good college and excelling at that college will ensure them a good job no matter what. Its well rounded approach for students in obtaining their degrees can be seen as a continuation of high school in the sense that you are not learning a lot that is applicable to the real world.

5. Alternatives

There is a growing number of alternative, free or low-cost learning paths that can be taken to learn new skills and earn a career. Cheaper alternatives such as trade school and community college get students the education they need at a faster pace without the fluff and unnecessary prerequisites. A focused curriculum without having to attend unrelated classes in between along with smaller class sizes


1. Security

People go to college for Job security because that's what happens when you have experience in a post secondary education. The types of jobs you can get that require a college degree pay significantly more than those that don't. Higher income is a primary benefit of earning your college degree and those jobs have the best potential in being high paying. Paying back loans should not be a problem when you are college educated and in a good place economically speaking. Going college is a major commitment of money and time. But is important to remember that this is an investment in your potential and is simply a down payment on success.

2. Opportunities

College can open up a whole new world that you cant find anywhere else. There are a lot of hidden opportunities. A college degree and atmosphere is the key to open many doors in the world today. At college, many more activities, clubs, and extracurriculars available for students to join.

3. Make connections

The ability to meet new people and make new friends. College typically leads to an improved social life for most people. Meeting people who have some of the same interests as you. There is a network of advisers and professors who are experiencing the same thing you are. The amount of help at a college students disposal is something one should not take for granted because it is not the type of help that is available at some day job.

4.Good learning experience

It is obvious that a college education provides an individual with new knowledge and information. College is a formative period where you are learning more and more about yourself. But it also enables one to learn from their mistakes and make better decisions for the rest of their lives. The chance to learn from top-notch professors who have experience in their respective fields of study is another opportunity to learn that you cant get anywhere else. These professors can give you a better understanding of your class topics as well as mentor you through your own academic journey.

5. Health

College graduates are more than likely to be employed than those who don't have a bachelors degree. They are also more likely to be satisfied with their jobs that have more to offer than a higher wage such as employment benefits. These are important because they offer stability for your family, especially in the case of health care. Those with college degrees actually have better overall health and live up to a decade longer than those with only a high school diploma. Earning a college degree can have a ripple effect that will have an effect on the well-being of generations to come in each graduates family.

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