It's hard to bring yourself to optimism | The Odyssey Online
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I'm "that" Person

Sorry not sorry.

Jim Jackson

I'm that person you constantly get annoyed with. That person who cancels last minute most of the time. That person who stays up all night 'til sunrise to simply hear birds chirp and recognize that I have made it through another soon-to-be tedious day. But I'm also that person who takes over three naps midday even though I currently have 23 tabs open on my laptop full of tasks I have to complete for my internship, job, and "hobbies".

I don't know why you want to hang out with me, let alone see me. Especially since the semester is over with, I can't help but wonder--why in the world would you want to see me without being forced to?

I used to overthink every single thing I do--even now, actually. Sometimes my thoughts sound crazy, stupid, and ridiculous, like all of ours when we're stressing out about the tiniest inconveniences. However, I started to work on that bad habit of mine, only to realize that I went to another extreme.

Throughout the past year, I unknowingly adopted a nihilistic attitude towards life. In any situation, regardless of how bad or good these issues or situations were, I was unable to react. I couldn't care less about anything that happened in my life, about what I was saying and how I was hurting people around me.

Don't get me wrong, I'm the opposite of nihilistic when it comes to my friends and family, I'm so obsessed with seeing my friends happy; to the point where I do uncommon things to make them feel special. I sometimes feel like I'm disappointing the family I chose. The people who chose to stay in my world and deal with me through both good and tough times.

I'm that person who hurts at the thought of seeing her loved ones hurt. I'm that person who might not have the best words or advice, but will physically and emotionally be there to think things through with you.

If you're that person as well, I want you to know that you're not alone.

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