I am 20 years old, and I still do not have my driver’s license. When people find this out, they’re baffled. Why don’t I have my license yet? Is it because I can’t afford to get a car? How do I get around? Am I not tired of depending on other people to help me out?
It definitely isn’t easy lacking a license at 20 years old. I live with my dad and brother, and both of them work all of the time. They don’t have the time to help me out or take me for my test. When I was first practicing to drive, it was absolutely dreadful. My dad screamed at me pretty much all of the time. I had a couple of breakdowns and eventually just stopped driving with him altogether. It’s like I’ve become classically conditioned to become anxious as soon as I get behind the wheel with him sitting beside me.
Once in a blue moon, my brother would take me driving, but he’s so picky about his car. He always complained that it would take days to get his mirrors perfect again when I moved them, and he eventually started to flake when he offered to take me driving, so I stopped depending on him. Some of my friends’ parents have taken me out to drive, and they’ve told my dad I’m ready for my test, but my dad thinks that if I can’t drive with him, I can’t drive at all. It’s beyond frustrating.
It’s a hassle trying to get where I need to be, and there have been countless canceled plans because I couldn’t find a ride. I do have friends who are more than willing to help me out, but I know that they have things to do, and I don’t want to bother them. I have taken busses several times, but my dad is a bus driver for the city, so he doesn’t want me going on certain routes that he feels are unsafe.
Before last summer, I wasn’t able to work because I couldn’t drive. Last year I worked with my aunt, and this year I am lucky enough to live close enough to a daycare where I can walk to. Going home on weekends during the school year is very rare for me. Westminster is about an hour and a half away from home, so it’s just far away enough to where my dad doesn’t want to drive to get me unless I absolutely must go home.
It’s also difficult being in a relationship when I can’t drive. My boyfriend lives an hour away from me, so any time we make plans, he always has to come pick me up. It’s even more difficult when we’re in school. He goes to college about three hours away from Westminster. We’re lucky if we see each other once a month. Again, he always has to drive to come see me. He understands my situation and is more than willing to help me, along with my friends and their parents, so hopefully by the time I turn 21, I will actually have my license.