I’ve watched just about every episode of MTV’s Girl Code and Guy Code in my spare time. I laughed when I heard their thoughts on certain aspects of social life, while dealing with your friends. Sometimes I’ve wondered what I would say if I were given a chance to be featured on the show someday. Here are some of the most discussed topics from different shows and my thoughts on them:
1. The friend-zone
The friend zone is a tricky place to be and is an even trickier place to get out of. It’s a place where dreams come to die and sometimes get resurrected. My advice would be to tough it out and if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.
2. Makeup
It’s all about personal choice. If wearing makeup tickles your peach, then go for it. If you don’t like wearing makeup, then no one is making you do it. There should never be any stigma about girls who wear it versus those who don’t wear it. Wear what makes you feel beautiful!
3. Social networking
Putting yourself out there on social media is one of the most amazing things that a person can do for him/herself. I spend more time than I should trying to come up with a perfect Instagram caption. Also, social media is something that is a personal choice. Again, do what makes you happy.
4. Frenemies
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. This is a phrase that almost everyone has heard, and cannot be truer, especially in the professional world. Another rule of thumb: The first person who tries to befriend you, right after you move into a new position, is more than likely going to be that person who “stabs you in the back”.
5. Birthdays
I love birthdays! I love celebrating the day that someone was placed on this earth, especially if they are my friend(s). When it comes to birthdays of a significant other it becomes trickier because finding the perfect gift is never an option. I believe that it’s not entirely about the gift, but the meaning and the thought that truly counts (as cliché as that sounds). The reason why I say that is because at the end of the day, the fact that someone thought enough about you to buy you a gift is most important.
6. Astrology
Part of me wants to believe in astrology and the truth behind it (because I read all those twitter/tumblr posts), but the other part thinks it’s complete garbage. Being a Taurus I see the truth in the fact that I am stubborn, yet kind, but is that a self-fulfilling prophecy? Am I believing this to be true about myself because I assume, due to my sign that it is?
7. Puberty
Ew, puberty was the worst time for everyone. Pimples, voices changing, all the “raging hormones” sometimes it’s hard to figure out what you know or feel to be true because it’s all so confusing. Thank God it happens though because the glo’ up has never been so real.
8. Tinder
This is one of the most interesting apps I have ever downloaded and, thanks to my friends, some interesting stories to tell. My friends group has rules on swiping, if you know the person, swipe right. If they go to one of the other’s colleges, swipe right. Lastly, if you get asked on a date, you have to go. I've never actually been on a Tinder date or started a relationship, though. I've had just enough experience to have awkward encounters, while passing guys I've matched with on campus.
9. Prom
This is my first “prom” in college and looking through Facebook during that month of never-ending weekend proms is something I’ve come to look forward to. For me, all I can remember is the DJ (who was a middle aged man) playing “Post to Be” by Omarion and when the line came that says, “but you gotta eat the booty like groceries” he picked up the microphone and, in response to the song, said “that’s a no from me.” I honestly think that’s a memory that I will forever carry with my friends because of its pure comedy.
10. Being Broke
Lastly, being broke is something that I feel like I’ll never escape. Problematic is the word when you have the taste of a rich woman but the budget of a college student. It seems as though I get a paycheck, have everything I could want for a week, but then for the next three weeks, I’m struggling to continue staying bougie.
Hey MTV if you need someone, hit me up!