Your Ideal Summer Date Based On Your Enneagram Type
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This Is Your Ideal Summer Date, Based On Your Enneagram Type

"If you're a Type 1, our date's a Type 1."

This Is Your Ideal Summer Date, Based On Your Enneagram Type

People's Enneagram types can reveal a lot about them, from their biggest motivations to their deepest fears. But how can knowing your S.O.'s Enneagram type improve your relationship?

Well, you'll know how to better communicate with your S.O. You'll have a better understanding of the things that make them happy, as well as the things that make them angry. You'll understand their passions, and you can sympathize with their fears.

And maybe, just maybe, you'll be able to figure out the PERFECT date to take them on this summer.

I asked nine different girls, all with different Enneagram types, what their ideal summer dates would be. And while some of the answers weren't exactly what I expected, if their S.O. knows their Enneagram type, they should definitely be able to plan dates like these that their girlfriends are sure to love.

*Disclaimer: It's important to remember that not every person is created equal, which means not every person of the same Enneagram type will have the same answer. If you have the same type as one of the respondents, but would have given a different answer, that's okay! There are no right or wrong answers, but these are the answers I received. Have fun, and keep deep diving into your Enneagram type!*

Type 1: "The Planned-Out Date"

Christmas dateGiphy
"As a true Type 1, I love a good plan. So, my ideal summer date night would be if we planned to check out a new local restaurant (Bonus points if they have a good wine list!), followed by watching the sunset. This summer has been a perfect opportunity for us to explore new businesses and discover new local favorites. Our current favorite restaurant is Boca in Hyde Park." - Karin

If you want to impress a Type 1, make sure you have the date all planned out... and that you're punctual! Type 1's probably have a list of every new restaurant in town they want to try, so don't be afraid to ask your S.O. when planning a perfect date for them! They don't want anything too crazy, as they don't want to risk breaking the rules and they want to be responsible, but spicing it up by trying somewhere new could definitely be a fun date for a Type 1. Just make sure you pick out the new restaurant ahead of time; Type 1's appreciate efficiency and wasting hours trying to decide on and find a new date destination would be a bad move.

Type 2: "The Thoughtful Date"

"He would surprise me at my place and take me to a sunset picnic date on the beach! And then after, we would stop for ice cream, of course. Anything that I don't plan would be perfect because it would mean so much more to me that he cared enough to plan it!" - Kendra

Type 2's spend day and night caring for others, loving others, and putting others first. It makes perfect sense that a Type 2's ideal date would be something where their S.O. planned the entire thing, so they could be cared for, for once. And something as intimate as a sunset picnic date and ice cream would show a Type 2 exactly what they want - it would show them that they are LOVED!

Type 3: "The Competitive Date"

Kayaking Gordon Ramsay GIF by National Geographic ChannelGiphy
"Start with kayaking and end with a picnic on the beach during sunset." - Courtney

Type 3's love a little competition, and a kayaking date would be the perfect opportunity for them to get a little competitive with their S.O. and show off their skills. Plus, a more relaxing evening to end the date would allow a Type 3 to shed the layers they put on for the world and just be themselves with their S.O.

Type 4: "The Emotion-Filled Date"

"We would start out at an art gallery and then have a picnic in a pretty park in a more secluded area. Maybe later, go to a concert and watch the sunset - hopefully on a beach, I've always wanted to watch the sunset on the beach. After all that, we can just drive around listening to nostalgic songs, and once it gets dark, maybe some more sad songs while we just talk about life. The perfect ending to the night would be stargazing. Really, I just want to experience everything beautiful and aesthetic with him and be able to connect with him emotionally." - Shannon

This would be a perfect date for a Type 4 because they love passion, romance, and creativity. They are highly invested in their emotions, and this type of date allows them to show that side of themselves to their S.O. It allows a lot of time for them to have deep conversations with their date - whether it's while they watch the sunset, listen to music, or stargaze - and relish in all the beauty and creativity that the world has to offer with someone they deeply care about.

Type 5: "The Museum Date"

ferris buellers day off museum GIF by GiffffrGiphy
"The perfect date would be going to a museum where we can learn something together but not be forced to have a lot of small talk." - Haleigh

Type 5's are investigative, they love to learn and observe and discover. Taking a Type 5 on a date to a museum is perfect because they can wholly be themselves with their S.O., and it allows them to open up and show their emotions when they otherwise may not. It's also the type of date that isn't going to be littered with small talk, which is common in budding relationships. Type 5's are known for being more introverted and independent, so a museum date would be much more enjoyable than a dinner date for them.

Type 6: "The Picnic Date"

"My ideal summer date would be a picnic because it gives us time to just be together in each other's presence and forget about the rest of the world." - Sheldon

Oftentimes, a Type 6 may get lost in the worry and treacheries of the world, so taking a Type 6 on a picnic date would probably make their entire week. It allows them to disconnect from this world and enjoy their time with their date. Type 6's are also very loyal and committed, and a picnic date is the perfect amount of intimacy for a Type 6 who just wants to spend quality time with the person they care about.

Type 7: "The Outdoorsy Date"

walking on the beachGiphy
"My ideal date would be going for a walk on the beach during the summer. It's my favorite place to be because I love walking in the sand for miles and miles. Also, getting dinner afterward, of course!" - Nicole

A Type 7 loves the outdoors and adventures, making the beach an ideal date destination. A beach date that is a spontaneous surprise would be even better for a Type 7! And after all the walking (and possibly swimming, parasailing, jet-skiing, shell hunting, boating, and whatever other spontaneous adventures they want to do on the beach), trying out a new restaurant for dinner will be a must! Don't even make a reservation, just pick something new when you get hungry, because a Type 7 loves spontaneity as much as they love to try new things!

Type 8: "The Head Explorer Date"

"My ideal date would definitely be something adventurous during the day and then at night something more laid back! During the day, I would love to go exploring or go swimming in a lake! Or just go somewhere that neither of us have been before! And then we can go get something to eat." - Olivia

While this type of date is adventurous and also well-suited for a Type 7, it is actually a perfect date for a Type 8 because it allows their inner leader to arise. Type 8's are natural-born leaders, and they would have a great time leading the way on an adventurous date. They are decisive and confident and could easily make the decision to go left or right on a hike to a lake or making the decision of what new restaurant to try. Best of all, this type of date allows a lot of time for a Type 8 to talk with their S.O., as they are usually filled with passion and opinions.

Type 9: "The Relaxing Sunset Date"

"My ideal date would be to start out by getting brunch together, then go to the zoo and watch the sunset before heading home. We would definitely get takeout food, probably pizza, for dinner and watch a movie." - Sidney

Type 9's are known for being a lot more relaxed. This would be a great date because they could enjoy a mini-adventure together without doing too much. Plus, a peaceful sunset is perfect for a Type 9 because they could just relax and daydream with their S.O. Of course, at night, they would probably much rather head home for some takeout and a movie than go to a restaurant. Type 9's aren't super high maintenance; a pepperoni pizza will probably make them even happier than an overpriced sushi restaurant.

Follow Swoon on Instagram.

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