Queen Is Like No Other
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'Queen' Will Always Be The Champions Of Rock N' Roll

Listening to them brings me a musical experience like no other and takes me back to old feelings, emotions, people, places, moments, memories, and so much more...

'Queen' Will Always Be The Champions Of Rock N' Roll

Ever since I was a little girl, I have been absolutely in love with classic rock… and yes, my parents were 100% what caused the start of this obsession. Being in a very musical family, my love for this type of music is most likely due to the many moments we've spent jamming with the speakers cranked up on full volume throughout our entire house. While my mom screeches every lyric, my dad plays her leg as an air guitar, and I dance around the living room while head-banging.

In particular, I fell in love with a British rock band that everyone (not living under a rock) has most certainly heard of… "Queen."

Although I rarely go to see movies in the actual theater, when I heard that "Bohemian Rhapsody" was coming out, I knew of nothing else that could possibly keep me from attending it on night 1. Without giving away too many spoilers, I can truthfully say that it is now one of my all-time favorites. It is a modern classic.

It was so unbelievably interesting to find out all the trials and tribulations of the band, as well as what the members went through individually. I had no idea how the band even formed, let alone all the adversity they faced together. The movie's portrayal of Freddie Mercury and the rest of the band was truly impeccable and I appreciated the gained knowledge of history this movie provided viewers with.

I like Queen because they are more than just your typical rock band. When you hear the name, not just one thing comes to mind because they purposefully included a vast variety. As stated in the movie, listening to Queen is a "musical experience," which is the perfect way to describe how it feels to hear their music. Regardless of popular instruction, they refused to stick to a specific musical formula that seemed to work; they went with what just felt right to them.

This movie brought back so many great memories for me and I was able to see how much of an impact they've had on my life… more than I had ever realized before. I was rocking out in my seat the entire time!

When I hear Bohemian Rhapsody, I think of little 7th-grade me singing in honors chorus. It took me back to feeling thrilled we were finally singing a Queen song (and my favorite one at that!) I knew every word to the 6-minute-long song and made sure to obnoxiously prove that to my fellow choir-mates, while the rest of them learned it for the very first time.

When I hear Somebody To Love, I think of the beautiful scene in the movie Ella Enchanted. How perfectly the song matched the mood and choreography. I love her character of Ella and have always looked up to her as a strong and brave independent woman role-model.

When I hear We Are The Champions, I think of all the ECU game wins I've been fortunate enough to witness over the past 20 seasons of my life. All the good times where we have successfully beat other teams- it only smells and feels of victory.

When I hear Another One Bites The Dust, I think of all the young people my age that are getting pregnant, engaged, married, having kids, and/or all of the above. I'll be scrolling on Facebook and pause to sit in another moment of shock while the song lyrics play in my head.

Whenever one of these songs comes on, it'll take me right back to the place I've attached it to. I'll carry this with me forever.

Music is truly powerful. When someone connects to a certain sound or vibration and it resonates with them, it provides the listener with so much more. It can take them back to a moment or memory in past time, or they may even relate to something in their present state. When this happens and one connects music with a feeling… it becomes truly astonishing. The music becomes alive.

One can attach such sounds with a person, place, thing, a moment in time, memory, the current time in life, celebration, devastation, and so much more… This gives those words, lyrics, vibrations, instruments, and etc. a meaning and purpose- along with a certain sense of personification.

Sitting on the edge of my seat with tears in my eyes and my hands on my heart, while staring into the souls on the screen for the second time (yes I saw it twice), I knew at that moment in time I had attached so much more meaning to the actual words that were being sung in front of me.

Queen provides me with a musical experience like no other, gives me hope and passion, and brings me back to the good ole days.

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