How to Prepare for Christmas With No Snow
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How to Prepare for Christmas With No Snow

When the forecast isn't looking festive, here's how to cope

How to Prepare for Christmas With No Snow

When it's nearly December and there's no fluffy white magic in sight, it's hard to get into the holiday spirit. And it's not like we can just make snow appear.

Disney Channel would have us believe otherwise, but fear not. Especially for a college student far from the snowy home they know and love, if you want something badly enough, you can find a way. There are plenty of ways to create the illusion of snow, to pump up the wintertime cheer and to get yourself in the Christmas mood even if the sky outside is just one disappointing gray blob.

1. Paper Snow Flakes

Even though it seems a little childish, now with the wonderful world of Pinterest you can create paper snowflakes worthy of one of those magazines you find in doctor's offices. Done right, when they're hung on your window, mirror, or — if you're getting really fancy — -hung from the ceiling, they can look properly chilly indeed.

2. Twinkle Lights

If you're a college student and you don't already own twinkly lights, I highly suggest investing in some. You can head on over to Target and pick some up for under $10, easily turning your room into a winter wonderland. There's a reason people string these things up on their houses come December, and it's not just to alert Santa where the houses are. They are a 100 percent suitable stand-in for the glistening snow you wish was making icicles outside your window right now.

3. Spotify Christmas Music Playlists

Again, Spotify — even the free version, mind you — is a thing that I find necessary in my daily life as a college student. However, having some type of music-playing app around Christmas time is especially important. You're not home, so you don't have your family's enormous collection of holiday tunes you grew up knowing and loving, and you need Christmas music stat. Whether your taste is more "Frosty the Snowman," "The Nutcracker" or "Baby, It's Cold Outside," an app like Spotify will be able to help you out of your dreary, non-Christmas music slump in no time.

4. Hot Chocolate

Even though there's no snow on the ground, that doesn't mean it's not cold enough for some nice cocoa. Snatch yourself up a festive themed mug, some indulgent hot chocolate powder and plenty of whipped cream and sprinkles for on top. Hot chocolate pairs well with snow the best, but it doesn't stop being delightful just because the world outside is a barren wasteland of dead grass.

5. Peppermint Anything

Personally, I am not a fan of the peppermint stick, aka the candy cane (although I've always liked the Hawaiian Punch flavored ones, oddly enough), but that does not mean there aren't plenty of peppermint-flavored things to enjoy! This wintery flavor has a way of brightening up your coffee, your baked goods, your candy and your heart. Don't let the depressing forecast get you down — let peppermint lift your spirits, and help you focus more on your finals, which it's actually been proven to do.

6. Holiday Themed Candles

I'm not just talking Yankee Candle here — we all know those are some pretty pricey candles. But wherever you prefer to buy your candles, make sure you pick some up with scents that will remind you what you love about the holiday season (other than snow, which is sorely lacking). Cranberry, pine, Christmas cookie and any other scent your heart desires would all make wonderful additions to your new winterized abode. If you can buy candles, make sure you buy soy, and if not, I hear Glade makes some pretty spot-on air fresheners, too.

7. Cheerful Sweaters

Again, if it's cold enough that you want hot coffee over iced, it's cold enough to be slipping on your most elaborate Christmas sweater. Like the one with multicolored snowmen or the one that lights up when you bop Santa's nose. You may encounter doubters, non-believers, people who believe this level of festivity should be saved for after the fist snowfall but don't listen to them. Don't even try to argue back--they won't be able to hear you anyway, 'cause your sweater's so loud.

8. Wintertime Activities

Technically, there are plenty of snow-oriented activities that could be done without actual snowfall. There are many indoor ice skating rinks, and lots of neighborhoods or organizations have light displays you can drive through. Here in the Lehigh Valley, there's a zoo that has one! And then, of course, you've got your mall Santas, your caroling troupes and your fancy mountains that blow their own snow if the temperature's low enough. We know it's not the same, but hey, we're only making do until the snow really starts, and then it's a party.

9. Holiday Movies

Move beyond ABC Family — they limit you with their pre-selected and limited movie list. Hit the Internet, and discover a world of all the movies you loved as a child on VHS, now available for streaming. This activity works best when paired with (almost) all of the above. Watching "The Year Without a Santa Claus" while drinking peppermint hot cocoa, surrounded by twinkly lights, paper snowflakes and the smell of pine trees? It's basically an indoor winter paradise.

10. Driving North

If literally all else fails, sometimes you've just gotta hit the road in search of what you're looking for: in this case, snow. North is the logical direction to head, but who's to say where you have to stop? Maybe you can settle for the northern part of the United States, but then again, maybe you crave that subterranean bliss that comes with harsh Canadian winters. Go on, head out into the Yukon territory. Keep on going, all the way to the North Pole (or, I guess I mean Greenland?). If you're reading this article, you know the truth: there can never be enough snow.

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