How to Know It’s Time to Move and Move On | The Odyssey Online
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How to Know It’s Time to Move and Move On

Moving on is Essential

How to Know It’s Time to Move and Move On

For my whole life, I have been living in CT-- making friends; going to college; and growing up. For almost 22 years, life in this state has been my life and has taught me so much. However, there is now a point in my life where it feels like I’m done with this state and am ready to move on. Here are some signs to know when it’s time to move and move on:

  1. You Have No Interest Here

At first, living somewhere that you have been used to living has served you and fulfilled a purpose for you. As time goes by, the days that served you glory here no longer serve you. You will soon realize that you no longer have any interest here.

2. No One Has Changed

People change all the time-- that’s the truth. However, if you have been stuck in one place to live for too long, it may seem like everyone around you hasn’t changed. The brain needs change in order to stimulate new brain growth and have an abundance of reward experience. If it doesn’t get that, it will get trapped in a routine-based setting and will get bored.

When it seems like the people who you’ve known longest haven’t changed, that’s when you know it’s time to move on. People are supposed to exert positive changes; and if they do, it will give you a reason to grow. This can also go the opposite way: If you’re the only one out of your friends who is growing, then you may look at everyone else as holding you down and prohibiting your sense of growth and individual development.

3. Things Aren’t Like They Used to Be

Maybe you grew up in a certain town that had an abundant amount of trademark cafes and cool little shops. As time went on, you saw that a lot of those businesses shut down-- either because they weren’t doing well or because technology over-powered the ability of those businesses to serve the community. Perhaps those businesses shutting-down hurt you or even upset you. Either way, you learned how to live with it and cherish the memories for what they were and what they are, deep down in your heart.

Maybe growing up, you remember your crazy aunt that you once hung out with all the time; or maybe you remember friendships you had with people who became distance or the people with which you are no longer friends. Either way, just thinking about the memories can be hurtful. You’ll wish those times never came to an end-- but that’s life: Everything will eventually come to an end. But it is also good to cherish the good memories, as far back as you can remember.

Whether it be businesses or people of your past, things just aren’t as they used to be. You will think of the distant buildings and people of your past and you will miss them. Time goes on, buildings get destroyed and people change and/or move away. With all this pain from the change, you may feel like it’s time to move on and leave the past where it belongs.

4. You Become Miserable Here

After feeling like nothing has changed over a span of time; and after seeing that so many good things are now gone in the area where you grew up, you may begin to feel miserable about it all. In fact, you may begin to get so cranky that you wish you could leave. But in reality, you’re essentially trapped here until you get enough money saved up to leave. Until then, it doesn’t hurt to dream about the possibilities your future will hold.

Also, you may get bored of the same sightings around you. That’s another red flag that it’s time to move on. You crave change and different experiences and change is good. Just be sure you do whatever it takes to fulfill that change-- whether it be short trips around your area; exploring somewhere new, closeby or nearby; or even planning your next big move.

5. There Are Better Opportunities Elsewhere

Does it seem like your state/town does not have any good job listings? Does it seem like no matter where you apply, you won’t be doing something you love and that you won’t be moving forward with your life? If so, it is probably because there are better opportunities elsewhere. There are a ton of job listings and postings in this world. You are only one step away and one decision away from changing your life. Take that opportunity and learn to move on. Do it today and do it for the better!

6. You Feel like It’s Time to Move On

You crave change and are tired of living here. You want something new, something excited-- new change, opportunities, and adventures await. So what are you waiting for? Do whatever it takes to build that right life for you-- even if it’s taking small steps. Any step is better than none. Start today and be prepared to live your new life, better than today!

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1. "If I'm wearing black tomorrow, it's because I'm mourning my grade."

2. "Do you want to try ordering Chinese takeout to take back to the stacks?"

3. "This final paper has me questioning if this professor just sucks or is Satan himself."

4. "Is that person over there OK? They've been sleeping for a while."

5. "Why are you online shopping?"

"I want to motivate myself to study."

"Since when do you have money to buy something anyway?"

6. "I wonder how much I could make as a stripper."

7. "There are no stress relief dogs, and I feel conned. My stress today is worse than yesterday."

8. "Rate My Professor screwed me over."

9. "I wore these clothes yesterday, and maybe even the day before, but it's fine."

10. "I wonder if I could sneak a beer in here."

11. "I just really want chocolate chip cookies."

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