3. Pay attention to your partner. | The Odyssey Online
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5 Simple Ways To Keep Your Relationship Happy

Have we all heard the saying "happy wife, happy life?"

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Photo by Mayur Gala on Unsplash

Your relationship doesn´t have to be full of exchanges of lavish gifts. You do not have to go on elaborate dates and try crazy things. While those are great for a relationship, there are much simpler ways to ensure a happy and stable union.

1. Don´t overthink.

I must say that this is very common among partners. Sometimes it is easy to lose sight of the truth between the both of you. Although your love may be strong, this may also cause you to become insecure. This insecurity may be about things that might not even exist. This may stem from personal insecurities, but I do think that a lot of people start thinking things like "What if he/she doesn´t love me?" At that point, thoughts like that can possibly negatively affect the relationship. Whenever it happens, make sure to shift your focus to the good and beautiful things in your relationship instead.

2. Talk things out instead of having a heated argument.

There are different ways to solve your problems. It is best that you avoid confrontation that is toxic and full of anger. Focus on what the problem is and see how you both can reach an agreement. Arguing and screaming at one another does make both of you feel really bad and can put a slight dent on the healthiness of the relationship. Sit with your partner and talk things out. It is not easy to do, but you will find that it will make you both happier and more understanding of one another.

3. Pay attention to your partner.

THIS IS SO IMPORTANT. People may think that gifts and huge proclamations of love may be the key to a good relationship, but I believe that it is much more simple than that. The most important thing is for your partner to KNOW that you love them and to see that you truly care about them. You don´t avoid them and you make them a priority. If you're with a person, they should become a priority and they shouldn't have to question your motives.

4. Show interest in things they care about.

My boyfriend and I don't share similar interests. We don't necessarily have to, though, to make things work. It wasn't too easy at first because I really have zero interest in half of the things he does, but my appreciation and deep love for him made me want to understand him more. He does the same for me and this has greatly improved our relationship. So, if you really don't seem to have much in common with your partner, make sure you give them some time to show you what they love.

5. Express your love verbally.

My boyfriend is the type to keep things within. He's not the biggest fan of romance or verbally expressing love. But I am the opposite. Sometimes it hurts my feelings because I just work differently than he does. We spoke about it, and he has tried to be better at expressing his love for me. This has also improved our feelings about one another. Telling your partner what you feel is significant can make you guys even closer than before.

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