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Student Life

8 Ways The Non-Party Girls Can Have The Best Nights In

Where are all of my old lady college friends at?!

8 Ways The Non-Party Girls Can Have The Best Nights In

It seems like every time you open up Instagram or Snapchat on a Friday night, there is a tsunami of pictures of friends partying. There's the classic OOTN picture that is typically taken in front of the dorm door (the fire escape plan taped on the door adds a really nice touch). Then there's the iconic mirror selfie. And last but not least, the shots for Snapchat, aka a video of someone taking a shot solely for Snapchat.

While these posts make the party life seem fun to others, there's something about it that does not appeal to me whatsoever, and that's okay.

I'm the type of girl who would much rather have a night in than get dressed up and go out. If you say we're watching movies and doing crafts, I will be there in NO time. I'm the type of girl whose version of "Thirsty Thursday" consists of a can of Diet Coke and maybe an iced coffee late at night.

This life sounds sad, but there are so many benefits living the old lady life and I cannot get enough of it. For those of you who are also homebodies away from home, here are some ideas on how you can have fun and still have a memorable college weekend.

1. Host a paint night/DIY night.

Making decorations for my dorm room might be one of my favorite things in the world. Get your friends together, search through Pinterest, and find some fun DIY decorations for your dorm! This past semester, my roommate and I made pumpkins for outside of our dorm and that night was honestly so fun. We even had a photo shoot! This is what I'm currently working on, if you need some inspo!

2. Host a game night. 

What Do You Meme you can't have fun playing card games? My favorite memories from this past semester have come from the ridiculous amounts of card games my friends and I have played. There may have been a few nights where I have almost peed myself thanks to games like "Cards Against Humanity" and "What Do You Meme."

3. Movie night, anyone? 

Gather up the blankets and snacks because it's time for a movie marathon! You can curl up and cringe at the "Twilight" series. In honor of Miley Cyrus' and Liam Hemsworth's recent marriage, you can watch "The Last Song." So. Many. Options.

4. Bake cookies

If your dorm building has a kitchen, make use of it! Go to the closest grocery store and get ingredients to bake some cookies. If you don't trust your baking skills, you can always just get the pre-made dough and call it a day.

5. Make dinner at the dorm. 

Same with the baking cookies, if your dorm building has a kitchen, USE IT! Take a trip to Target and find the cheapest dinner to make. It beats dining hall food and is cheaper than going out to a local restaurant.

6. Go out to eat if your bank account allows it (or if it doesn't, that's okay too)

You don't have to stay in the dorm room to fulfill your old lady dreams! By going out to eat, you are able to get out of the dorm, have some fun, and be back by 8 p.m. It's the best way to live.

7. Put together a puzzle. 

This sounds super lame, but trust me, it’s a great way to kill time. When you’re done, you can even glue the pieces together and frame it to hang up in your dorm!

8. Find events on campus to attend. 

Katherine Jones

There are loads of opportunities right in your community! If you want to craft, bake, cook, etc., there is a high chance you can have that experience through an organized event on campus. My friends and I attended a concert and we were back before 10:00, which was great!

There are many ways to have a fun, stress-free weekend on campus without having to attend a party. These activities may seem lame to some, but for those who prefer a night in, this is heaven. I lift my can of Diet Coke to those who are like me. May your non-party parties be amazing and filled with memories!

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