The Finals Survival Guide
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The Finals Survival Guide

How to push through them the right way!

The Finals Survival Guide

The semester is coming to an end for most schools, which means the most stressful time of the year is among us… the dreaded finals week.

It would not seem as stressful if students would have just kept up with the semester's work and read along the way… But sadly, for the majority, this is a time for testing those cramming skills.

Chances are, if you do not know the information already, you are not going to learn it in a night. So here are some important steps on lowering stress levels and increasing functioning abilities during dead week.

1. Get a LOT of sleep.

There are going to be tests for most of your classes and it is going to make you want to yank out your hair, but do not fret just yet. Forget the all-nighters and turn those lights out by 10 p.m. Try and aim for at least eight hours of sleep. You are not going to learn an entire subject in a few hours, so you might as well get some rest and prepare your brain for the stresses it will undergo throughout these testing sessions. Adequate sleep will result in better brain functioning and furthermore lead to a better testing score.

2. Drink a ton of water.

These past few weeks, I have found it immensely hard to concentrate and sit for an extended amount of time focusing on a single subject. Seriously, my attention span resembled that of a goldfish. My roommate told me it was possible that I might be dehydrated. I thought about it and yeah, it made sense, I was not drinking nearly enough water! I immediately upped my water game and started carrying around a liter water bottle with me everywhere I went! Currently, I find myself to consume about three to four liters a day! And man, the differences in my academic performance, mood and overall well being are quite uncanny. The brain is almost 85 percent water so dehydration can result in symptoms such as: brain fatigue, brain fog, loss of memory and focus, and can lead to headaches, depression, and sleep issues. I don’t know about you, but those are not problems I want to face during exams!

3. Unplug completely.

When I say unplug, I mean turn your phone off and lock it away so you can study. We have so many distractions on our phones that it makes it nearly impossible to crack down and focus on what needs to get done. I admit, I am so guilty of not shutting down my electronics and doing my work. It may seem like there are so many apps we need to check and pinning that needs to get done, but that can wait. Text your Baes and BFFs that you are taking the initiative to better your academic standing and that you will talk as soon as you have accomplished what you needed to accomplish. It is not the end of the world to have a little time disconnected. Once you finish a nice chunk, reward yourself with 10 minutes of Insta browsing and get back to it!

4. Don't forget to eat.

For real, this is seriously my biggest issue. When I am stressed and trying to cram, I honestly feel as if I do not have enough time in my schedule to make a block for eating and exercising. But, that is so not good for keeping up your productivity levels! You need fuel to keep the machine running properly. And you absolutely do not want to experience burnout. Obviously, the human body is beautifully complex and needs to be nourished properly in order to function at its finest. Making sure to block out times for you to eat is detrimental to your success. However, stay away from junky foods and drinks and do not abuse your consumption of caffeine. You should be finished with all caffeinated drinks before 6:00 p.m. This will allow you time to settle down and get to bed at a decent hour. Not only is staying away from fatty and sugary foods going to promote better health habits, it is also going to keep you from hitting sugar lows. If you need something sweet, go for fruits or make a smoothie that has some brain food! Brain foods include leafy greens and anything that is blue. During these high-stress times, it is of the utmost importance to be taking care of your body. Checkout to find awesome, nutritious snacks and drinks!

5. Take a brain break.

Okay, brain breaks are key! In fact, they make studying a little less painful. When you create a schedule for yourself and set aside some time to relax, destress, workout, or take a power nap, you will have more energy to get things done. Giving yourself some brain breaks gives you something to look forward to. My favorite de-stressing methods are: pilates, yoga, cardio circuits, napping, practicing breathing, and meditating. Lucky for me, my school offers all of those fitness classes and I can just register and go! But if you do not attend a school that offers relaxation fitness courses, you can use apps! I know I told you to put your phone away, but some apps can really aid in de-stressing your mind. My favorites are Headspace, Happify, SAM, Breathe2Relax, and Calm. I highly suggest you check them out!

Alright, I have provided you with my favorite steps in final exam prep, and I hope that you have learned something new you can use in slaying those tests! Good luck on finals, and may the odds be ever in your favor!

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