Finals Week as Explained Through a Series of Dogs in Christmas Outfits
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Finals Week as Explained Through a Series of Dogs in Christmas Outfits

Good luck on your finals!

Finals Week as Explained Through a Series of Dogs in Christmas Outfits
Cats Vs Dogs

Dear friends,

Hello! I know, you're still in a turkey coma from last Thursday, but now you've got 2 papers to write, a test to study for, and a project to complete. And all of this on top of your already stressed body can be a lot to handle right now. But have no fear. You got this fam! Just think, in 2 weeks, you'll be home free and won't have to endure the terrors of endless papers and slightly average cafeteria food any longer. But for now, to get you through these next two weeks, I'm going to create this little cheat sheet to prepare you for the road ahead, as told through doggies in Christmas costumes. I hope you enjoy!

1: The Sleepies

Like I said before, you're already in a turkey coma, and sometimes your bed is just too worm to escape in order to make it to your 8 am. Me and this little guy here totally understand. But think of it this way, this is the home stretch. So get out of bed, put on some clothes (no one really cares what you're wearing as long as your there that's good enough for us), grab a Starbucks on the way there (because if you're going to be late, you might as well bring a treat with you) and get to class! You'll only have to suffer through of few more of these things before your back in your own super soft, super plush, and super comfortable bed back home. And if can do it, it's you buddy!

2: The Hungries

Stress eating is a very real thing y'all. I mean, how else are you supposed to complete that endless amount of papers and projects without munching on a few goldfish or indulging in several of Ms. Mei's famous chocolate chip cookies while you work? I mean it's impossible! So grab that pack (or family-sized box I'm not judging fam) of goldfish, and get to work. And don't even worry about the large amount of calories you'll constantly be consuming, the excessive amounts of stress you'll be having and walking you'll be doing burns that stuff right off.

3: The Crankies

Lots of stress + not a lot of sleep = one cranky college kid. Sometimes that one person that constantly keeps clicking their pen on and off and on and off and on and off in the already stuffed library just really gets to you sometimes. Or maybe you keep getting the same question on that one Quizlet that you made at 2:43am wrong. Or it could be the fact that you never really know what to wear because the weather seems to change from winter to summer in a matter of minutes everyday. Either way, there's going to be a lot of little things that will get on your nerves and distract you from the big tasks that you need to complete in these next two weeks. But just remember that everyone is just as stressed if not more stressed than you are, so we totally agree that the one person that keeps clicking their pen is incredibly annoying. But despite of all these little things that will do their best to get you off track in these next few weeks, stay focused and do what you gotta do to get that stuff done! And then you can tell that one guy in the library to cut it out with all those pen shenanigans.

4: The Determined... -ies

In the same way this little guy is determined to give some kisses to Santa, you will be too as you complete that ever increasing amount of homework that you've had all semester to do but have decided to start doing now. It happens to the best of us pal, but even if you started 10 weeks ago, or 10 minutes ago, that's stuff's gonna get done! So get to it! The wave of accomplish that floods over you as you turn that last assignment in at 11:58 (although not highly recommended) is definitely worth the constant stress and worry you've been experiencig for the past two weeks. And think of it this way, next semester you'll learn from these experiences and won't make those same mistakes again... Right?

5: The Happies!

You made it! You did it and now you're free from any paper, project, or power point for the next few weeks! Congrats! Me and all of these doggies are incredibly proud of you and know that you did a wonderful job! And think of it this way, if you can finish finals week while still keep a the tiniest amount of your sanity in tack, then you can do anything! So go enjoy and ice cream cone or well-deserved nap champ, you've earned it! Also, once that final test is turned in, you get to go home! Yay isn't this exciting! I'm excited and I hope you are too! Anyway, make sure to double check those last few questions on your test and your suitcase and go ahead and head off to the promised land: Your home.

6: The Hungries Part 2: The Return of the Turkey Coma

Let's be real, the three main things that you miss about home are your family, the food, and your bed. Now you can put those things in whatever order you'd like, but each of them are definitely up there on the list of all the things you miss the most about home. And now that you're there, go and enjoy them! Make sure to share some great stories about this semester of school with your family, enjoy your bed and all of it's incredibly soft glory while you can, practice what you're going to say when that one relative inevitably asks you who you're dating at the dinner table during Christmas dinner, and make it clear to all the little ones that you're gonna be first in line for the food at Christmas this year.

We'll I hope this list helped prepare you for the things you should be expecting in these next two weeks. I'm already proud of you and all the awesome work you've done this semester. These next two weeks are going to fly by, but you'll get everything done and be stress free before you know it. At times it's going to be tough to keep going, but just remember that you got this fam!

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