How The Stage Was My Classroom | The Odyssey Online
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How The Stage Was My Classroom

I've learned more than just my character's lines.

How The Stage Was My Classroom
Natalie Onesi

After 4 years of performing in my high school's musicals, I've concluded that I've learned so many lessons from being on stage there. From learning to work with others to trusting your instincts, I've gathered some of my most important takeaways from my musical experiences. It's obvious that I didn't learn like I did in a classroom- but that isn't the learning that I'm talking about.

1. Patience truly is key

There have been times during musical rehearsals where I've had to stand frozen on stage in one spot for up to 30 minutes. Everyone experiences it. Although standing still under hot lights in a thick costume was miserable, I always remember that the directors and light technicians are only trying to make me and my cast look the best we can be. I learned that you can't complain about things that are only going to help you in the long run.

2. It can all come down to one shot.

As Troy Bolton said, sometimes it truly is "now or never." Performances teach you how to give it your all when the time comes. This is a lesson that can be taken into the real world. Whether you have a big interview or a presentation, when the time comes to not hold back, you can't hold back. Theatre taught me that sometimes it's one and done, so that's when to give it your all.

3. Handle multitasking with grace.

After you're in a musical, you will definitely know the ins and the outs of multitasking. There are so many things you have to remember before going into a rehearsal or show that you can't help but multitask while on stage. Whether its singing while dancing or reciting a monologue before a big dance number, your mind will always be focused on more than one thing. I learned to work on the fear of handling too much by immersing myself in musical theatre- where I was definitely responsible for more than one task.

4. Practice pays off.

Nothing is better than a phenomenal end product. Working hard and spending time doing something that you feel confident in is an amazing feeling. Theatre has taught me that feeling prepared is an immediate confidence booster. This is relevant to situations of all kinds- work and school related.

5. Public speaking became a breeze.

Speaking in front of crowds was no longer an issue after dancing, singing, and acting in front of hundreds of people at a time. Thanks to theatre, I'm not afraid to speak in class or volunteer to present first. Performing in shows was an easy way to learn how to engage an audience and feel comfortable when I'm speaking.

6. Having to change very quickly is no longer an issue.

When you have to change costumes but ALSO be on stage in 30 seconds, what do you do? Two words. Quick change. That is all.

7. Be open to constructive criticism.

Theatre is all about taking directions and suggestions, but still making it your own with your personal flair. Not everyone loves to hear criticism, but in a capacity where it is extremely necessary, it becomes second nature. Constructive criticisms are not bad, they are what they are- constructive. Always trust your instincts.

Musical theatre wasn't a class offered throughout my 4 years, but I learned some things that I find just as important to anything I ever learned in a classroom. I know my previous casts (also some of my best friends) will agree with me that being on a stage helped shape them to be the way they are today. And if musical theatre was a class, I'm sure it would have been my favorite.

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