As the semester comes to an end, we Seniors are struggling to make it. There are a few things to keep in mind when approaching a senior, because they most likely have a full on case of Senioritis. Here's the ways you know if you've caught the Senioritis plague as we crawl towards the finish line ...
1. If you have to deal with another group project, you might go insane.
Professors just don't get it. No matter how many times you give us group projects, we're still going to split up the work and do it separately. But when you do make us meet up outside of class, you're just torturing us.
2. You skip class more than you actually go. Is it even worth it with a month left?
Honestly, how can our professors even expect us to sit through another lecture? We've got our eyes and focus on graduation, and there's just no way they can convince us that they're worthy of our time.
3. Your weekend starts on Wednesday.
As if making us go through a full Monday isn't bad enough, after Tuesday, you're ready to give in to that bottle of wine or 6-pack of beer that's calling your name. Once the week hits Wednesday, how can anyone expect us to give any more effort?
4. Finishing your homework is the greatest accomplishment.
Doing even the smallest amount of homework is such a drag as a senior, but when you finish even the smallest bits, you know you're that much closer to the finish line.
5. Your grades are lacking, and so is your care for them.
With one month left your grades are deteriorating with your lack of care for doing assignments at your full potential, or studying for exams. You can throw your participation grade out the window, because coming to class is enough, but having to participate for points? No way. But hey, Cs get degrees, am I right?
6. You question who you are and everything you've learned over the past four years.
Second guessing everything you've learned in your major and what you even want to be after you graduate happens daily. You wonder whether you can even remember anything you've learned over the past four years and what use it will bring you after graduation.
7. The thought of going into the real world starts hitting you.
Even though we're all sick of those petty assignments and projects, the thought of the real world is terrifying. We may be ready to leave the school world, but we're not sure if we're ready to enter the adult world quite yet.
8. You're not ready to say goodbye to all of your friends.
As the final countdown comes closer to an end, you realize that you'll have to separate from your best friends. We're all going to be moving all over the country and getting big girl/boy jobs. No matter how far away they are though, your college friends will stay close to your heart.