As defined by, procrastination is "the act or habit of procrastinating, or putting off or delaying, especially something requiringimmediate attention." This is exactly what I am doing right now.
Literally, every weekend I know that I have a bunch of work to get done by Monday, and yet here I am, almost midnight, with barely any of my homework even close to being done. I push it off thinking, "Oh yeah, I'll have all day Sunday to get stuff done. I can just sit here and watch Netflix for another hour. I have plenty of time." This mentality never works.
As a way to get over my poor habit of procrastination I came up with some great tips that can help not only me, but also you, to stop putting off that five page paper that is due tomorrow evening by midnight.
First off, get over trying to get any work done in the dorm right now. It won't happen, it never happens. I have 50+ sisters coming in and out of my room every day to either borrow a dress for a hot date or to talk about the shambles of the night before, and I never have a quiet moment to just study ever. The best plan is to go somewhere like the library where you know you'll get more work done (and for those poor Westerners like me freshman year, the music building across the street has a great library that you can go study in). Even Armstong Student Center is the way to go when you are too lazy to walk all the way to King.
Secondly, make yourself a timeline. My life is my planner, my planner is my life. Being in a sorority makes you super busy, so it's a beneficial way to know what is going on in my life, I write down every due date, every homework assignment months in advance. I check my planner daily. I would genuinely be lost without it. Plus, creating a timeline will allow you to figure out what needs more time to finish and what you can easily do in a few minutes.
Finally, get the more important stuff done first. Prioritize what you think is more crucial to getting done sooner rather than later. Don't do the worksheet that will take you five seconds before class rather than finishing your final paper that is due the same time. Getting the harder stuff done sooner will take a weight off your shoulders.
Procrastinating is my favorite past time while at Miami, but this year my goal is to get stuff done! These helpful hints will not only help me keep my goal, but hopefully allow you to keep from procrastinating too!