Whether you're home from school on break, or because you're a commuter, we all know the struggle of having to readjust to actual society. This year I realized just how different the two environments can be and I've learned that there's a very different way to act in your hometown versus your college town. So, thanks to some help from Eric Forman, I have compiled a list of feelings/things that occur while any college student is back under their parents' roof. Break will be here sooner or later!
There's the first and obvious transition, you have to socialize with family members regularly. No more sleeping until 2pm and wearing the same outfits for two days because your MWF classes don't know your TR classes outfits.
But, there is a plus side to this. Food from home is SO much better than food from school it's not even really a competition.
Usually when you're home, you see your extended family as well. Every time they see you they love to question the big college kid. And ultimately this is how you feel after being asked, "so are you seeing anyone?" for the hundredth time.
After really thinking about it, though, you can probably think of a few reasons why you probably aren't seeing someone.
At first, your parents are so excited to have you back! For a little while, you can manipulate your parents into thinking you're exhausted from working so hard this semester...
But almost immediately they see right through you and are over your bullshit. You become the least favorite and most expensive child once again.
And then, they start making you, BE AN ADULT! Breaks are no longer about relaxing. It's about making money, getting jobs, and preparing for real life.
And they start to question why all you do is sit on the couch.
Then they try to take away your Netflix and tell you to "go outside" and interact with actual people. I need to see Grey's Anatomy's new season before I socialize.
Sometimes they even question your goals in life altogether. This is especially relevant if, like me, you changed your major mid-way through your studies.
Let's not forget, either you have to get up regularly for school or for work and your alarm clock is now set to Mom. Remember when summer and winter break used to be about sleeping in and watching your favorite television shows with your friends?
And just when you're about to completely give up on your life..
Make the most of the time you have to spend with your family...(even when they drive you nuts...)
Because it'll be over before you know it. Don't waste it. Enjoy your time in college and appreciate your time with your family.