Home Is Where The Heart Is
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Home Is Where The Heart Is

It takes a village to raise a child

Home Is Where The Heart Is
Thomson McDuffie Chamber of Commerce

I've grown up in the small town of Thomson, Georgia. I could not ask for a better community. If something tragic strikes you have the whole community standing there with open arms. As sad as it might sound a good portion of my life was a tragedy.

My little sister, Chloe, was diagnosed with a rare genetic disease when she was three. As the years progressed, the disease began to become more severe. This caused my family to live on one income, not to mention a fixed income. We struggled. However, there was not a day that went by that my parents did not provide me with what I needed. However, it does take a village to raise a child. I'm so thankful for my small town of Thomson, Georgia for raising me.

I've been pondering this article for awhile. This whole town has blessed my family in a plethora of ways, but I want to highlight some individuals. These individuals have blessed me before Chloe passed, during and continue to do so.

Mrs. Bonnie Widener of Richards' Flower and Gift Shop, I cannot thank you enough for all the little things you have done. There are times we have gone to get a lonely rose to place on Chloe's grave and out of the goodness of your heart you give it to us. You've given us purple roses, which is very significant to Chloe. You've never forgotten how much butterflies meant to us and Chloe. We appreciate you using your passion as your ministry. You will never know how much you mean to our family. May God bless you.

Keith, Candy, Chase and Carrington of Begg's Funeral Home -- you have shown us so much love. It was a terrible time for us, but you brought so much comfort to us during that time. Thank you for continuing to check on my family throughout the years. Chase, I appreciate the time you went out of your way to travel to Wrens to get that hospital bed for Chloe. It was one of the ways we were able to keep her comfortable and in the living room with us. We cannot express how much that meant to us.

Mr. and Mrs. Strong, I cannot express how thankful I was to have Mr. Strong as Thomson High School's principal my senior year. It would not have been possible to complete my senior year without your determination and understanding. Thank you for never forgetting me in the midst of the world. Your family has faced hardships before and you always seemed to remind me that I was important. Also, thank you for giving me and my family gift cards while running back and forth to the hospital. God always provides a way and some days you helped make that way.

Mrs. Lori Ducey of Anna Lou Designs -- in the time I felt so much misery you made me feel beautiful. My mother was never able to take me to pick out an outfit for homecoming pictures and the night of homecoming. Mrs. Lori used this as an opportunity to shine the light of Christ. She was not going to let me go without. She gave me two beautiful outfits. She made sure that I would feel beautiful. My mother and I cannot thank you enough. I can never express how grateful I am. I will forever be a customer of Anna Lou Designs.

Mrs. Cummings of Thomson Elementary School, I appreciate all the love you showed Chloe and our family throughout the years. We loved having you as her principal. Your spirit and energy were incredible.

Mrs. Barnett and Coach Barnett, I am so grateful Thomson High School allowed us to cross paths. Mrs. Barnett, I remember you looking me in the eye and asking if I had gas money to go to the hospital and food every time I left school early. You never failed to ask. However, you went above your duties and made sure I had what I needed. Thank you for never hesitating to be there for me.

Mr. Murray and Mr. Dubose, words could never describe how much y'all have done for me through the course of the years. I am so thankful to have two Godly men pushing me to strive for my goals. Mr. Dubose, I cannot express how fortunate enough I was to have someone offer to walk me during homecoming in case my father could not be there. That meant so much to me.

The Lloyd family, y'all have brought so many laughs, tears and joy in my life. The list goes on and on. I could write a blog just about y'all. Thank you for always showing me Jesus, thinking of me as your own and loving me and my family.

Mrs. Toni Bowen, you are one of the sweetest souls I have ever met. You took so much time up with Chloe. I know she enjoyed your company so very much. You will always have a special place in my heart. Thank you for all the times you have thought of us and loved us.

The Williford family, thank you for all the shopping trips, vacations and long nights at your house. You have always made me feel welcomed and loved. Shelby, thanks for never leaving my side at the hospital. You stayed there with me the entire time. I cannot ever repay you for that. You have always been there when I needed you the most.

The Williams family, thank you for all the love you have shown us and the reminds that God is in control.

Mrs. Lynn Young, I appreciate you being my "Aunt." You have supported me, showed me love and always believed in me to follow my dreams. Thank you for always making me and Momma feel loved.

This list goes on and on -- I could never mention everyone who has helped me become who I am. I cannot mention everyone who has helped me and my family during the grieving period. Thank you, Thomson, from the bottom of my heart.

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