After a long semester of working hard and having constant to-do lists, it’s finally over. You pack up all your things in the car and are ready to head back to your hometown, the place you still call home even when a new home sometimes replaces it. This is your place to unwind, set your mind free and release the tension built up. You know the name and location all to well for the past few decades and whenever the name is mentioned memories and happiness will overflow you. There is no better feeling than driving through your favorite parts of town and arriving at your humble abode. A few hours pass and you feel like you never left, that’s the true definition of a home. Home is where your heart it.
Whether it's near or far you always have at least a small love for the place you spent your days growing up. When you were younger you probably always wished for the day you could be independent and leave this small town but now that its no longer case. It is no longer the only place you refer to as “home”, you seem to miss and appreciate all the aspects that make it so dear to your heart. The way the mailman greets you, or the way your mom makes your eggs in the morning. The small things add up and really make a significant difference and until you no longer see the small things you don’t realize how much they meant to you.
Aside from having your friends, family and pets there it’s the place that made you into who you are today. Your home taught you life lessons, and taught you between right and wrong. This is where you were raised or even where your whole family was raised. It becomes a huge part of you almost like tradition. You contiguously some how make your way back to this same location. Home is the place to be your best version of yourself, and feel comfortable. Your home is supposed to love and support you and for the most part it does.
This is the place that has always shown you love in a sense. Whether it is the actual feeling of love or the love you have for the small dinner down the street. It is always waiting for you with open arms to welcome you back in, even if you have been gone for too long.
Home is the place with the tastiest food and endless supply of it. From restaurants to your mothers home cooked meals, no matter where you turn food is everywhere and it creates warmth in your heart.
This is the place with the most memories, the good and the bad. There have been many laughs but also a lot of tears shed. Many of your firsts will have been here and no other place can take that away from you. You will have flashbacks every now and then of you running around as a kid through your backyard, or when your first time getting pulled over but either way it will make you smile.
Home is where nothing else in the world matters except for those around you and the memories you share with them. No matter where life takes you, even when life gets hard just remember your hometown, it will bring a light to your eyes.