If you, like me, are one of the poor, unfortunate nerds who didn't get to go to Comic Con this year, I feel for you. And like me, you've probably had to rely on our good friend the Internet for updates on what's happening in nerd world (pro tip: my personal favorite site for updates on all things nerdy is comicbook.com and their Twitter @ComicBookNOW). At the time I'm writing this, Comic Con isn't even over yet and they've already blown my mind with all the cool stuff that's coming out within the next year. To narrow it down, I decided to talk about my favorite superhero related news.
1. The New Wonder Woman Poster/Trailer
I mean, how gorgeous is this poster? Not gonna lie, this has now replaced the Harley Quinn Suicide Squad poster as my lock screen; that's just how pretty it is. The trailer is just mind blowing. I mean, there are only so many adjectives to describe it: Amazing, epic, perfection... All of these work well. Plus, I've been waiting for a Wonder Woman movie for what feels like forever, and I'm sure some of you will agree with me when I say the seven-ish minutes Diana Prince was in Batman vs. Superman was one of, if not the best, part of the whole movie.
2. Basically Everything Netflix Released
Where do I even begin? This is like a mini post all on its own. Netflix announced "Daredevil" season three as well as a releasing the trailers for "Luke Cage," "Iron Fist," and the team up we've all been waiting for: "The Defenders." It's a lot to take in at once. I don't know which I'm more excited for, everyone's individual shows or the sure to be epic team up that will be "The Defenders." This is easily the most exciting Marvel team up since the "Avengers."
The Luke Cage Trailer:
3. Justice League Trailer
Everything about this trailer is amazing. I cannot wait to watch all of these characters come together on the big screen. Also, Ezra Miller is already hilarious as Flash, which is the way it should be. Jason Momoa is just awesome looking as Aquaman, but we all kind of knew that. Excuse me while I go watch the trailer 75 more times.
4. Captain Marvel News
I have no words for the excitement I feel over this movie. Along side Captain America, Captain Marvel is my favorite superhero of all time. At the end of the "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2" panel on day three of Comic Con, Marvel officially announced that Brie Larson is officially going to play Carol Danvers. An Oscar winning actress as my favorite female hero? Um, yes please! Now if only we didn't have to wait so long for the movie.
Hope you enjoyed the fangirl session that was this article!