Holding My Breath: Pokémon Sun and Moon
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Holding My Breath: Pokémon Sun and Moon

Pokémon could lead us onto a derailed hype train.

Holding My Breath: Pokémon Sun and Moon

Pokémania has returned, and with it, hype for the newest installments in the Pokémon franchise. Like many my age, I grew up with Pokémon. My first foray into the franchise was through Pokémon: Yellow Version and the Pokémon anime. I played the first three generations faithfully before I dropped the games like a hot potato at Generation IV. I didn’t come back to the games until Generation VI came out with Pokémon X and Y. Although I did not play Omega Ruby or Alpha Sapphire, I have not completely abandoned the franchise again. Like many, I giddily await the release of Pokémon Sun and Moon. However, that doesn’t mean I don’t have my reservations about the upcoming games.

1. The Starters

Let’s start with the starters. I have a lot of love for Rowlet and Litten. I’m a bit more neutral when it comes to Popplio. I don’t believe it’s a bad design, just not my favorite. Unfortunately, I don’t pick my starters based on their first evolutions. It is the final evolutions that have me concerned. The only design of the three I like is Rowlet’s final evolution. I really, really hate the other two designs.

2. Z-moves and Mega Evolutions

I’m glad they didn’t get rid of the Mega Evolutions. As broken as they were, I thought they were fun and exciting. Because who doesn't like plowing through their opponents with an overpowered monster? The new Z-moves seem rather interesting and could be an effort on Nintendo’s part to balance out the Mega Evolution mechanics. But those poses are ridiculous.

3. Rotom

Ugh. I know this is a kid’s game and Rotom is obviously an attempt to make the games friendlier to a younger audience but… I didn’t need my Pokédex to gain a personality. I’m not enamored with the design and Rotom could easily become the annoying sidekick that makes you want to chuck it into the nearest volcano.

4. Pokéfinder

Welcome back Pokemon Snap. How I have missed you so. Pokémon snap is easily my favorite of the Pokémon spinoff games and this little minigame is the reason why I finally decided to pre-order a copy of Sun (breaking my own no pre-order rule… again). However, Pokéfinder is in all likelihood a watered down version of Pokémon snap. We know that you will start with only a few features and gain more over time, but how exactly is still not very clear. I’m worried that my expectations for this feature won’t meet reality and I’ll simply be left disappointed. Especially since the feature is limited to only a select few locations sprinkled throughout the map and we don’t know everything about it.

5. Poké Pelago

PETA rejoice! We will have a new humane way of storing our digital pets. Poké Pelago offers islands that stored Pokémon can play and train on. There is also a chance that your islands could attract a wild Pokémon who may choose to join your party. It’s a cute idea and offers a different way to find Pokémon. Nothing too exciting in my opinion, but not a complete write-off either.

6. Pokémon Refresh

Pokémon-Amie got a bit of an upgrade. Following the long line of tamagotchi like pet simulators, Pokémon Refresh offers the player a chance to feed, pet, and wash your Pokémon. I enjoyed Pokémon-Amie a lot and have always loved Tamagotchi's, so no complaints here. I am also glad to see that the feature kept the same sense of humor that Pokémon-Amie had. Just like before, you can burn or shock yourself if you aren’t careful. Schadenfreude at its finest.

7. QR Scanner

This one is for the completionists. By scanning special QR codes, you can add Pokémon to your Pokédex without actually catching them. This will make filling out the National Dex a cinch. Those who complete the National Dex in Sun and Moon will lose the same bragging power that the other games provided, but it makes getting that special reward at the end that much easier. I am fine with this.

8. Island Challenges

Nintendo seems to be tossing the tried-and-true Pokémon formula a bit with this one. I’m not saying this is a bad idea. If anything, I think it has a lot of possibilities. One thing that drove me from Pokémon in the first place was how all the games were basically the same thing over and over again. Stop the bad guys, collect all the badges, beat the Elite Four, catch everything in sight. So the Challenges offer a breath of fresh air. Assuming they are different of course. They can easily just be Pokémon gyms under a new name and thus calling them challenges would serve no purpose other than to generate hype and maintain the illusion of progress.

9. Ash Greninja and the Demo

I like the Demo idea. Not so wild about Ash Greninja. On October 18th we will get a short, two-hour glimpse into the new games. In the demo, the player will somehow be able to obtain a Greninja with the ability Battle Bond. Battle Bond kicks into gear after Greninja has fainted an opponent's Pokémon. It transforms Greninja into Ash Greninja. The official Pokémon website states: “Greninja's leg strength has been enhanced compared to an ordinary Greninja, making it difficult to see because of the speed at which it can move. It takes its enemies out in a flash! It becomes able to make giant Water Shurikens on its back, and it can throw them in rapid succession.” This sounds like Greninja will, at the very minimum, get a stat increase to speed and maybe a power increase to the move Water Shuriken. Battle Bond feels like a very limited ability that would rarely come into play and probably won’t have any real benefit. Honestly, I think I’ll just stick with my Protean Greninja.

10. Alolan Forms and New Pokemon

This new generation is shaping up to be a good one. Mimikyu, Rockruff, and Passimian are just a few of the new Pokémon that I adore. The Alolan forms are offering a refreshing take on the original Pokémon and I like most of the designs. They are, in my opinion, interesting with a lot of thought put into them. Of course, I don’t like all of them. I’m looking at you Raichu. Plus there is Zygarde, which I still don’t understand. But I would be lying if the Lycanroc’s Midday Form and Silvally weren’t epic. Although, Pokémon universe, you really don’t learn from your mistakes do you? Silvally and its pre-evolution are both synthetic Pokémon (that are suspiciously like Arceus, especially with Silvally’s RKS System ability) that were designed to counter Legendary Pokémon. Hmm… where have I heard that before? How about Mewtwo? That did not turn out well for the scientists who created it. That and Pokémon professors still can’t figure out the differences between boys and girls.

11. No New Eeveelutions

Yes, I know this is petty, but I'm mad about it. As of right now, it is looking like there are no new eeveelutions this generation. I really enjoy the eeveelutions and we are still missing so many types! Give me dragon or ghost type eeveelution. Please!

    There is so much more to discuss about the new Pokémon games: Poké Ride (which is all kinds of yes), Battle Royal, Hyper Training, Festival Plaza, increased trainer customization, upgrades to the Global Link system, Team Skull, the Aether Foundation, the Ultra Beasts (which might not be Pokémon at all) and who knows what else. We still haven’t been told everything about the upcoming game. Altogether, Pokémon Sun and Moon are looking like they could be a welcome breath of fresh air to the franchise and offer so many new, and wonderful features. Or it could be a gimmicky mess that is really no different from any of the other Pokémon games leading to a major hype train crash that ends in crushing disappointment and fan tears. Either way, until the game comes out in full on November 18th, I’ll be holding my breath.

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