"His Dark Materials" Brings Originality In A Post-"GoT" Fantasy Genre
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"His Dark Materials" Brings Originality In A Post-"GoT" Fantasy Genre

Despite criticism from fans of the books the show's based off of, the newest film-to-television franchise is a compellingly vivid new fantasy series.

Instagram: @jimmiesisenstein

HBO is continuing the trend of releasing TV series based on theatrical releases with the premiere of its new show "His Dark Materials."

The series, which premiered on November 4, 2019, is based on Philip Pullman's novels such as "The Golden Compass," which was released as a major motion picture in 2007.

The premise for this show is quite interesting. Taking place in another universe, we follow an orphan named Lyra (Dafne Keen) who is raised by a group of scholars at Jordan College at Oxford University. She is accompanied by her Pokemon-like companion called a daemon, which is almost like an animal-like representation of one's soul; it can change appearance depending on the person's mood and has the ability to communicate with human speech.

Lyra discovers that there is a connection between a variety of people missing throughout Jordan College and a mysterious entity called Dust, which is currently being investigated by a Jordan scholar named Lord Asriel (James McAvoy) and another shady woman named Marisa Coulter (Ruth Wilson).

HBO and BBC, its original broadcaster in the UK have already greenlit a second season for next year, so it seems that they are banking on this series, which to be fair is a compellingly mesmerizing series for anyone new to the world of Philip Pullman.

The cinematography of this series is amazingly done for a show that has received less pomp and circumstance than shows preceding it. It's also not to mention that the plot and characters is a nice break from the conventional themes dominating TV today.

However, this also means that "His Dark Materials" has its critics, who contend that the show fails to live up to the intricate worlds of Philip Pullman, a critique once said about "The Golden Compass."

But that shouldn't take away from the livelihood that "His Dark Materials" emanates. This show isn't bad, and though it doesn't have the seal of approval of die-hard Pullman fans, in retrospect what show or film has exactly done that? Take HBO's earlier film-to-TV transitional project "Watchmen," which omits the presence of the comic's main antagonist.

If you're willing to get through these fanboy critiques of "His Dark Materials," then consider giving this series a shot, especially if you're missing something to fill the fantastical void of "Game of Thrones." I'll definitely be tuning in, for what seems to be an interesting plot anxiously waiting to unfold.

New episodes of "His Dark Materials" premiere Mondays at 9/8c on HBO.

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