All The Do's And Don'ts For Upcoming High School Seniors
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All The Do's And Don'ts For Upcoming High School Seniors

DON'T fall too deep into the disease also known as “Senioritis”.

All The Do's And Don'ts For Upcoming High School Seniors

Well, here you are. You have officially completed 11/12 of your childhood/adolescent education before you head for college. You’re ready to go on that stage, receive your diploma, and escape into the new chapter of your life! However, just because you’re almost there, this doesn’t mean you are completely done. Not only do you have an extra year of having to balance school, extracurriculars, social life, and sleep, but you also have college applications as another spinning dish to balance on a stick. Here are a just a few do’s and don’ts that I, as an incoming college freshman, had picked up throughout the year.

DO...start on your college applications as soon as possible.

When I heard this statement from a multitude of people, it went through one ear and came out of the other. However, I cannot stress this one enough. Writing essays, filling out forms, and researching which colleges you want to apply to takes up a plethora of time. The earlier, the better.

DON’T…underestimate the time and effort it takes for the college application process.

This was a struggle for me. I was a firm believer in the saying: “Diamonds are formed under pressure.” However, this was not the case when it came to beginning on my. From trying to get my teachers to write recommendation letters for me to applying to scholarships, seeing which colleges I would want to go to, it was not as easy as I thought it was. Don’t be me and turn in your application an hour before it is due.

DO... set goals, even though they seem unattainable.

If you don’t dream, you can’t let others dream it for you. Whether or not you seem under-qualified for your dream school, apply anyway. Whether or not your dream career of becoming an artist seems unattainable, still try. You never know what the results will be.

DON'T...beat yourself up for not getting into your dream college.

Everything happens for a reason, and the reasons that you may not have been accepted may solely be due to bad luck. You are still worthy and capable of doing great things regardless of which college you attend.

DO…Research as many colleges as possible.

The Internet is a beautiful tool in which you have access to a plethora of information just within your fingertips. Take the time to meticulously find out which colleges interest you. Consider many factors such as location, cost of attendance, class size, majors that are offered there, and extracurricular activities in which you could potentially get involved in.

DON’T…attend a certain college because someone else told you to.

As much as the “legacy lure” and the pressure from family/friends may tempt you to attend a certain college, choose a college that you think is best for you. You have every right to ask for advice from others, but in the end, it is you that is attending a place for the next four years of your life (which could even determine your future!)

DO…attend as many school dances as possible.

This (hopefully) is the last time you will ever be in High School. Take advantage of the dances that your school offers, and have an absolute blast. Although you may attend the number of formals and balls offered at your university, it is still nice to have a time for yourself where you get dressed up and dance along with your fellow classmates.

DON’T take Senior prom too seriously.

High School Musical 3 and every other movie about High School should be sued for giving unrealistic expectations of what a prom dance is like. It is okay to want things to be smooth, but never something to stress over. Don’t worry if your hair doesn’t look the way you want it to look, a zit pops up, your makeup didn’t turn out the way you wanted to or you see someone else wearing the same dress. Instead, it is just a school dance that lets you spend time and have fun with the people in your graduating class: in which you may never see half of again.

DO...spend as much time with your family as possible and DON'T take them for granted.

As much as you should be excited to leave for college (unless you will not be staying in a dormitory), make sure you spend as much time with your family as possible. They're the ones who have been there for you throughout not only your school years but your lifetime as well. Make sure you cherish them before you cry and ask them for money when you are broke in college.

DO...spend time maintaining and/or raising your GPA.

As much as you fall into think you're finished with High school, sadly you are not. Your grade point average, especially from your first semester of Senior year, matters more than you think it does. If you are not happy with the GPA you had from Freshman to Junior year, Senior year is the year to truly redeem yourself and tell colleges that you are worth an acceptance letter. Not caring about your GPA could possibly lead to your college admission being rescinded.

DON'T fall too deep into the disease also known as “Senioritis”.

I'd like to give a big shout-out to Mr. Connelly who dealt with me turning in assignments MONTHS past the due date. Senioritis. It is absolutely real. It is when your mind and body automatically tell you that you are "done with High School" and you clock out. However, do not be that person to skip most of their classes or the one to never do their assignments. Although it may seem as if you are done, it is still great practice for college. excited for your future.

Whether or not you are going to attend college, be excited for what is to come. Once you graduate High School, it will be the first time you truly get to step into the "real world", which is a whole other ball game. Set goals, be ambitious, and dream big.

DON'T...take your experiences in High School for granted.

High School may seem lame, but there will never be another time in your future where life is this easy. Attend as many football games possible, make friends, get involved, and have fun.

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