No matter what you identify as or how you see your own body, chances are that someone somewhere has a strong opinion on your body. StyleLikeU, created by mother-daughter duo Eliza Goodkind and Lily Mandelbaum, breaks the static boundaries of high fashion and focus on self acceptance. One of their most popular project is their video series which often involves popular models, actors, and actresses in the business who reveal their own insecurities as they shed their clothing piece by piece. Chances are you'll find a reflection of your own insecurities in their stories. Here are some of the most popular installments in the project:
1. Being "The Pretty Girl" Isn't Always So Pretty In Hollywood: Cailtin Stasey
2. I'm Not Curvy, I'm Fat: Olivia Campbell
3. Her Modeling Agency Dumped Her, So She Drops The Truth On Them: Charli Howard
4. Maybe I’m Not "F***kable"... That’s Fine, I’m Not For You to Fuck: Diane Goldie
5. Before I Am a Woman, Before I Am Black, I Am Freddie: Freddie Harrel
6. Know What’s Sexy? A Boy with Cerebral Palsy Who Owns It: Ryan O'Connell
7. What’s Not to Love? OITNB’s Lea DeLaria
8. This 5’11" Androgynous Beauty Is Nobody’s Doormat: Shannon Clagett
9. Black, Gay, Albino, & Irrepressibly Himself: Shaun Ross
10. American’s Apparel’s 62-Year-Old Supermodel: Jacky O'Shaughnessy
11. Sorry Not Sorry, Women Have Body Hair: Petra Collins
12. If You’re Different, It’s Sunlight in Somebody’s World: Jillian Mercado
Growing up as an Asian woman meant that I had to learn to hide my body hair, fear the sun for the tan it gave me and learn every vocabulary associated with being a "proper" woman. But it's projects like these that help me understand the uniqueness of human bodies and make me want to finally embrace my natural fur coat.