Growing up, I have never let my height define who I am. Being short is a package full of many surprises. From the highs and lows (mostly lows being that I am five-foot-zero) here are 13 reasons why being short is difficult.
1. The most common adjective used to describe you is “short”
You may be intelligent, beautiful, sassy, and hilarious, but at the end of most days, you are only “the short one.” It’d be nice if people could at least be more creative and use phrases like: petite, elfin, tiny, or fun-sized.
2. Many people will confuse you as your sibling’s child
Once upon a time at Disneyland, one of the cashiers had asked my sister and her boyfriend if I was their daughter. She insisted that, "You guys just look like such a happy family!” This isn't the first time that this has happened, nor will it be the last.
3. People find it necessary to point out how short you are
Nothing starts a friendship better than the phrase, “Wow! You are so short.”
4. People frequently ask if you can drive
No, I do not need a car seat. I do not sit on the yellow pages. Yes, my feet CAN reach the pedals. Contrary to popular belief, I am also capable of driving a two-ton Ford Super Duty.
5. Children frequently think you are the same age as them
Even though we are nearly the same height, I promise I am more than three times your age. I would not like to play house or dress Barbies with you; rather, I would like to enjoy time with my fellow adults.
Short People Everywhere
6. A stepping stool is necessary in most rooms of the house
One of life’s necessities is a stepping stool. Need a cereal bowl from the cabinet? Here! Take a step stool. Need to get left over socks out of the stacked washer/drier? Again, the prized possession of a step stool comes in handy.
7. People will commonly mistake your age
Is there some unwritten rule that your height correlates with your age? Being five- foot-zero does not make me twelve years old.
8. Your head/face is the perfect level for others’ elbows
The most fun part of many concerts is the large mosh-pit in front of a stage. Squeezing your way through the crowd, standing on your tippy toes to try and get a glimpse of your favorite band, and having to dodge everyone’s’ flailing limbs as they dance to the beat is part of the territory.
9. Heels…
Wedges, Stilettos, Pumps, Platform… Need I say more?
10. You are always required to sit in the middle seat
Just because I am short, does not mean the middle seat is any more comfortable to me than it is for you.
11. When buying your prom dress, odds are you will have to chop it in half.
I’m not quite sure who actually uses the extra four feet of material attached to all prom dresses, but whoever they are saves lots of cash without alterations.
12. Not all companies are alike!
Most small clothing companies, who of course have the cutest clothes, do not carry XS! To the kid’s section it is!
13. People have the instinct or need to pick you up when they see you.
Of all the things, this may be the most annoying by far. If you are going to hug me, there is no need to lift me off of this earth. There is no need to carry me like a baby; I have two legs that work just fine. Just put me down!